Lily Ballerina

Lily is a dancing queen. She dances all the time with that three year old sense that it’s the perfect thing to do and you look great doing it. I DON’T dance. I want to help Lil keep that ability to dance when the mood strikes so I’ve been keeping my eyes out for opportunities. When we first moved to Idaho, Lily and I took a Mommy and me dance class. Lily LOVED it, I tolerated it for her sake. I was going to sign us up again for another round last month, but they don’t run the program during the summer. I was disappointed, but decided to keep my eyes out for dance class groupons and was very excited when I found one a few weeks ago. Lily had her first class Tuesday before last. I didn’t find out till the day before when the class was so I didn’t have time to get her a outfit or shoes, but I figured for the first class that wouldn’t matter too much.

The class is a introduction to ballet, tap and I think jazz. The first class was mostly a gaggle of 3-5 year old girls half listening to the poor teacher and half doing their own thing. When they did listen, it was really cute. When they were dancing it was ballet. Lily was a little (maybe a lot) overwhelmed at first. They don’t want the parents in the room, but there was no way I could leave. I noticed a few of the other parents sitting in a little alcove to the side and more of them kept sneaking up the stairs to steal a look. So at least I wasn’t alone.

The first 20 minutes or so Lily was stuck to me like extra strong super glue, but then she started to get really into what the other girls were doing. I kept encouraging her to go and join, she kept trying to drag me along, but I assured her that I’d be right along the wall and not going anywhere. She very tentatively joined the line of girls, but kept looking back to make sure I was there.

Lily's first dance class

Lily's first dance class

They learned first and second position. Lily thought it was very cool. I don’t know a thing about ballet or dance in general so I got a bunch of books from the library and they helped us when Lily was obsessively practicing when we got home.

Lily's first dance class

At one point all of the girls were suppose to get in a circle with the teacher and hold hands for some dancing. Lily preferred to dance by herself.

Lily's first dance class

The teacher gave them wands at one point that I think was suppose to be part of some organized dance, but we never got to see it. I told Lil to stand on the line and not move till the teach told her to and boy oh boy did she listen. It was really cute to look back at the pictures. I hadn’t noticed how well she stayed on the line till we were driving home.

Lily's first dance class

Lily's first dance class

Lily's first dance class

There were probably 20 more pictures of her standing like that. Once the girls all got their wands and the music started all hell broke loose. After a some attempts at wrangling I was very impressed to see the teach just went with the energy and flow of the girls and let them so some free dancing. They loved it and I think it helped to get some of their wiggles out.

The teacher got all of the girls lined up at one end of the room to do some kind of ballet kick walk (it has a name, but I don’t know it) and all of the girls did very well. Including mine, which was awesome. Lil held the teacher’s hand all the way down the line, she didn’t really do any kicks, but she participated so YAY.

They also had to jump over some bungee cords (another ballet thing I don’t know about) and again Lily sort of did it. Again participation YAY.

Lily's first dance class

At one point all of the girls (with the exception of Lily and a few others) put on their tap shoes and they were told to shuffle their foot. Lily did great, in fact the teacher complimented her and that sent Lil running back to me. Lily doesn’t do well with compliments. I’m trying to figure that one out and how to help her so if you have any suggestions I’d appreciate it.

Lily's first dance class

Lily's first dance class

The tap shoes didn’t last very long because the girls kept slipping. I will be very interested to see how this plays out in future classes.

At the end the girls all gathered to do some bunny dance. Lil thought that was a blast, but she did it in her own way. I would send her to the group and she’d dance there for a second and then they’d do this hopping thing and she’d hop back to me with the biggest smile. Rinse, repeat again and again.

Lily's first dance class

Lily's first dance class

For the entire week after this first class Lily would call me Jenny (the teacher’s name) and have me give her dance instructions. She is loving it and I’m loving watching her dance and strut her stuff.

*sorry for the funny phone pictures. I’m just too lazy to bring our point and shoot with me when I know that I’m going to have my phone already and I’m still getting used to my wonderful new phone. The camera and how to take the pictures is very different from my old phone.

Lil’s first snow cone

Last weekend Waldo’s brother was part of a charity event thing that gave away free snow cones and he invited us to come and get some. Lil’s never had a snow cone before and I had been thinking about introducing her to the sickly sugary sweet ice treat so this was perfect timing.

I ordered her a watermelon flavored snow cone and at first she wasn’t sure about the crazy red color.

Lily's first snowcone

She tried a few bites, still not 100% on board I think.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Then the sugar hit and she was smitten.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Arms raised high “This is the BEST picnic ever”.

Lily's first snowcone

She repeated that comment at least 3 times.

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

Lily's first snowcone

I’m sure we’ll be doing snow cones again this summer.

Random Mobile shots

I don’t usually end up in too many pictures with Lily and I’m trying to work on that. So when she wanted to sit on my lap with her baby the other day I handed my phone to Waldo and had him snap this.

Lily and Mama

I think Kitty loves my new sewing machine as much as I do.

Kitty and the sewing machine

My Mother in Law is going crazy with the baby dolls. This is just a small sample of what she’s made so far. I think there have been a total of 8 or 9 or maybe 50, she makes them so fast these days it’s like they just appear out of thin air.


Where did my baby go and where did this big girl come from?

When did she get so big?

Again I say when did she get so big?

I love these two so much.


Hula Kitty

While we were making our weekly pilgrimage to Target this weekend I picked up a pink grass skirt for Lil. I thought it would make a good addition to her dress up truck. Boy was I right. She put it on right when we got home. I pulled up some youtube videos of Hula dancers and Lil loved it (which doesn’t surprise me because I LOVE all things Hawaii) and before I knew it Lil was trying to Hula.

Sorry that this is such a low quality video. I took it with my new (wonderful) phone and didn’t realize that the video quality was almost at it’s lowest setting. I have fixed that now.

Homemade sidewalk paint

A few days after we made the fizzy sidewalk paint I decided to try regular sidewalk paint. I figured Lil would still like it even without the fizzy and spray bottle aspects and I wasn’t disappointed. She loved it and I had to call it quits way before she was ready. It was a lot colder that day then I had realized so we only got about 20 minutes of playing in before I was a Popsicle and decided that we had to go in.

Homemade sidewalk paint

I mix about a cup of corn starch and 2/3 cup of water, once it’s dissolved add a good squirt of clear dish soap and mix well. I then divide it into an old 6 well muffin tin and then add food coloring to it. It washed off easily and is a blast. I have found that depending on the kind of food coloring I use it might stain the sidewalk a little bit, but the sun will bleach it out soon enough.

Homemade sidewalk paint

Homemade sidewalk paint

As you can tell Lily loved this.

Homemade sidewalk paint

Homemade sidewalk paint

I would give this a 9 out of 10 crayon rating. It took about 2 minutes to put together and washes up wonderfully. Best part of all, Lily loved it.

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