Random Mobile Shots

Two garlics growing together
I’m not sure what’s going on with this garlic, but I thought it was neat and can’t wait to see what happens when it gets bigger.

Lily's little guys
This little toy flower stool is suppose to hold one little guy in the middle. Lil felt very cleaver when she added the second and it looked like they were kissing.

Lily enjoying her ice cream
I gave Lil some ice cream for a after lunch treat the other day. I put a mini reece’s cup in it and she thought that was the absolute best thing ever. I gave her a little more ice cream a few days later and she insisted on the reece’s cup for it too. It’s the only way to eat ice cream now I guess.

Lily enjoying her ice cream

Roasted garlic scapes
I decided to roast my garlic scapes from last week. They turned out really yummy.

Random Mobile Shots

My garlic is doing great. It made Scrapes

When we got back from California I noticed almost all of my garlic had sprouted Scapes.

Garlic scrapes

I cut most of them off because I’ve read that you do that so all the plants energy goes to growing bigger bulbs.

Garlic scrapes

Now I’ve just got to figure out how to eat them.

Sticker facial hair.

Lily thought it sounded fun to put this sticker on her face.

Chef Lil

Chef Lil

Buddies having a picinc

Lily’s buddies are set up for a picnic or eating at a restaurant. I can’t remember which.

Olivia's preschool graduation

My sister Jolene and her daughter Olivia at Olivia’s preschool graduation.

Olivia's preschool graduation

My Dad and Olivia at her graduation.

Olivia's preschool graduation

The graduate herself.

Blast from the past.

This picture is of my Grandparents; my Dad’s parents, my newborn sisters and myself. My Grandpa; Papaw passed away when I was in 7th grade. Mamaw passed away two weeks ago and she’s the reason we were in California last week.

We miss you both.

Random Mobile Shots

We got Lil a new bathing suit. I think it’s adorable.

Lily's new bathing suit

There’s no pictures of Lil anymore without her doing some dramatic pose of one kind or another.


Lily set up a tea party for her new baby, Big Baby.

Lily having tea with Big Baby

Lil loves these chopsticks and was super proud of herself for giving them shoes. I don’t normally let her play with her food, but come on, noodle shoes are a must.

Her chopstick now has feet

Her chopstick now has feet

We are making a last minute trip to CA for my grandmother’s funeral. This is about half the food we took with us.

About 1/2 the food we are taking on our trip to CA

More food art. I made a muffin with honey in Lil’s cream of wheat.

food art

Lily improved it with the blueberries.

food art

Random Mobile Shots

I am all caught up with my pictures and what’s been going on in our lives so all of these pictures are from over the last week. I’m sure excited and my goal is to keep caught up and on top of things. (I have a number of posts scheduled for the next few weeks)

Lily set up this scene the other day and when I asked what she was doing she told me she was taking pictures of her babies. I had to get in on the picture taking.

Lily set this sceen so she could take pictures of her babies

Lily taking pictures of her sceen

Silly Kitty.

ZOMG, cat in a bag

Lily and I went out and checked on our strawberries and other garden growth.  These were the only strawberries that were ready to eat.

Strawberry princess

The stupid birds and ants got to these poor guys.

Bird attacked strawberries

I love these flowers in the backyard.

Backyard flowers

Backyard flowers

We found these mushrooms in the backyard.

Backyard flowers

Lily broke out into a dance in the backyard. I really need to get this kid in dance class again.

Dancing in the backyard

Dancing in the backyard

Dancing in the backyard

I took this picture because Waldo was running to the store for asparagus and I wanted him to grab these bars for me. I’m putting it here because they are delicious.


Lily did some breakfast art on her own.

Lily's breakfast art

I walked into the bathroom the other day and saw this in the office. My little Gamer Duo.

My Gamer Duo

And my Gamer Girl.

Gamer girl

Random Mobile Shots

Lily is taking a water break during our bike ride the other day. On a side note, Lil loved riding her bike when we first got it and then one day she fell and wanted nothing more to do with the bike. This didn’t surprise us at all, I mean it’s logical. But we kept telling her that falling happens and we just have to try again. Waldo worked really hard taking her for short rides to get her confidence back and we are happy to report that this last bike ride she is 100% back and loving it. YAY!

Taking a water break

Lil wanted to make a cardboard rocket so the other day when I was working late Waldo and Lily made this. Then when Waldo got tired of pushing Lil on the carpet in her rocket, she had the brilliant idea of Daddy pushing her in his office chair. It worked out great and they went back and forth between rooms with her yelling for astronauts to get out of her way.

Cardboard rocket

I got Lil a Hello Kitty shower cap from Target. It was a big hit and super useful.

New Hello Kitty shower cap

New Hello Kitty shower cap

More breakfast art.

Breakfast art

Breakfast art

Breakfast art

We went to the Boise Farmer’s Market last weekend and Lily got this awesome balloon turtle.

Farmer's Market balloon turtle

Yesterday we went to the farmer's market and Lily got a turtle balloon.

My Brother-in-Law is a beekeeper and sells local raw honey at the Farmer’s Market. This is his observation hive. He had some bees hatching while we were there, it was crazy to see.

My Brother-in-law is a bee keeper and sells local raw honey at the farmer's market. He has a cool observation hive and it was really neat to see some bees hatching.

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