Random Mobile Shots

We are in Montana right now having a blast with our chosen family. This is just a quick post with a few pictures of what we’ve been up to, a more detailed post will come on the heels of the California trip posts.

We stopped for a lunch picnic and played on the swings.
On our way through Kennewick, WA we stopped to have a picnic. We stayed and played on the swings for a few minutes.

Lily and Aunt Becky playing legos.
Lily playing with Aunt Becky‘s legos.

legos take a lot of thought.
Two heads are better than one.

breakfast at The Buffalo
Me and Lil at breakfast at The Buffalo Cafe.

I <3 u
My eyeshadow <3

Lily and Conrad playing me kinect.
Lily had a stinking blast playing xbox kinect with our friends Anthony and Maggie’s son Conrad.

Random Mobile Shots

Last weekend we washed the car and Lil decided to do a little dance before we started.

car wash dancing

car wash dancing

I harvested garlic this week. I think there are around 24. Vampires beware.

Harvested garlic

We had lunch outside one day when it wasn’t tooooo hot to deal.

Lunch outside

Apparently Lil spent a lot of time in her bathing suit this week.

Sprinkler play on Wednesday.


We went to the zoo on Sunday (still have to post pics from the last 3 trips I think) and Lil was so bummed because no butterflies landed on her. This has actually happened the last 2 times. So she was crazy pumped when this ladybug hung out with her while she was playing in the sprinkler.

Ladybug Love

Ladybug Love

Ladybug Love

Ladybug Love

More fun hair. I have wanted to braid her hair forever and was so happy that she finally let me and liked it.

Fun hair

We were headed out to get our hair trimmed on Tuesday, but Waldo was on a phone call so Lil didn’t get to kiss him goodbye. We took a picture for him.

Goodbye kisses for Daddy

Random Mobile Shots

Helping me fold towels

The other day I asked Lil to fold some wash clothes. When she was finished she asked for more laundry to fold. I gave her a bath towel. It wasn’t folded how I would have done it, but she tried her best and that’s all that really matters.

Deep in thought at the park

Deep thinking at the park.

Home grown garlic

I pulled up some of my garlic. They really look good. I’m so happy.

homemade deodorant

I made some deodorant last week. It was super simple and so far works great. I didn’t have any old deodorant tubes, but I did have one large lip balm type tube so I used that and put the rest in a shallow dish. I totally expected that it would release from the dish after it was set up, I was very wrong.

More fun hair

More fun hair

The fun hair continues. I really need to work on straight parts.

Lily in the window

Lily was hanging out in the window the other day.

Random Mobile Shots

This week has been fun hair week it seems. For a kid who usually won’t let me do anything with her hair but make it look nice down, this was a lot of fun.

4 piggie tails

4 piggie tails.

3 piggie tails

3 piggie tails

3 piggie tails.

The Doctor is in.

The Doctor is checking Kittie’s chart.

Bad Kitty!

NO! Bad Kitty!

Garden 7-2-13

The garden is going gang busters. These are the red potatoes I planted.

Garden 7-2-13

My Father-in-Law is trying something new with his cucumbers. Last year they took over the entire garden so we’re hoping the tomato cages help control them a little. In the background you can see my strawberries. They are growing really well, but didn’t put out much fruit.

Garden 7-2-13

The foreground picture is my FIL’s cantaloupe plant, the right is his tomatoes. Both are doing good, but not producing much fruit…yet.

Letter jumping

My cutie-girl playing. There will be a post on Monday to explain the letters on the ground.

Letter jumping

We went to dinner with a super cute witch.

We went out to dinner with a super cute witch.

Lily at the frozen yogurt place

Last weekend we went to one of those serve yourself yogurt places, Lily was in heaven.

Random Mobile Shots

Bean in the air

Lil loves standing on my hands. It was really hard to take this picture.

The pricess on a walk

The Princess and Little Kitten went for a walk with me the other day.

Bike riding girl.

We went for a family bike ride last week and had to cut it short because we didn’t put on sunscreen.

Yogurt face

Lil was eating yogurt at lunch the other day and told me to take her picture.

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