Dropper Painting

I saw a form of painting with a dropper on a blog or Pinterest some time ago and filed it away as a fun thing to try at some point. (Sorry I can’t find a link for where I first saw it). I decided that Lil would probably like it, so I searched high and low for droppers, never once did I think to look on the ever holy Amazon, silly me. Anyway I finally found some at Hobby Lobby and everything fell into place.

These pictures are from our second attempt at dropper painting. The first time was pretty much a specular failure due to poor planning on my part.

I put some paint in the muffin tin wells and watered it down a bit.  I grabbed some small posterboard and Lily went to town.  Because the level of the paint was pretty low she had some issues with sucking the paint up into the dropper, but with a little help from me she got it.
Dropper painting

Dropper painting

Dropper painting

She loved making the bubbles and then playing with them.

Dropper painting

She liked dragging the end of the dropper though the paint almost as much if not more than dropping the paint in the first place.

Dropper painting

This last picture is from our first attempt and I think you can see why it turned out so poorly.  I had to do all of the sucking into the dropper because it was on the plate. I don’t know what I was thinking.

Dropper painting

All in all dropper painting isn’t Lily’s thing right now. I’m sure I’ll try again at some later time and maybe she’ll like it better.  For now I’m giving it a 3 out of 10 crayon rating.

Yet another Zoo trip

Yes I’m here to talk about going to the Zoo again. We love going to the zoo. It’s a good way to spend a few hours as a family doing something outside in a fun and controlled environment. We go so often that we know what animals we like to see and the ones that we don’t really care for. Which is to say we know our way around really well and hit the best spots most often.

Last April we bought a year pass to the Zoo in Fresno and lucky it worked in Boise too. I knew buying the pass would save us money, and enable us to go to the zoo on a whim because it wouldn’t cost us more then a few dollars. I had no idea just how often we would end up at the zoo or how much money we would save. Our pass expired at the end of last month so I counted up our zoo trips and was astonished to find out that we visited the zoo 18 times. 18 times! In 12 months. It would have cost us over $250 to visit the zoo that many times, and that’s just admission. We paid $55 for the pass to the Fresno zoo. I’d say it was well worth it. We have already bought our pass for this year of course.

Since I’m already talking about the zoo I might as well share my favorite pictures from our trip this weekend.

I have no idea if the zoo would tell us to stop it or not, but Lil loves to feed popcorn to the geese outside the zoo entrance (there’s a big park). I popped a little popcorn before we left the house and Lil tossed it at the geese with great pleasure.

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

We have a tradition of sharing a soft serve ice cream cone at the zoo and this time while we were ordering they had delicious brownies next to the cash register so we bought one.

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Baby ducks!
Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

My little birdy.

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

Zoo Boise 5/6/12

While looking up how many times we went to the zoo I noticed that the number of pictures I took each time grew smaller and smaller. I don’t think I’ve taken our real camera to the zoo in the last half dozen trips, I just use my phone and hope that I get the best pictures possible.

Random Mobile Shots

I haven’t done one of these posts in a long time. I miss them. Here are some random shots I took with my cell. These shots are just too cute/unique not to share, but don’t really deserve a whole post just about them.

My little belly dance princess

Lil decided to combine her belly dance outfit with her halloween tutu. I loved the look.

My little belly dance princess

Rocket ship pillows my Mother in Law made

My Mother-In-Law made these little rocket ship pillows for two of my nephews.

Roasted Bananas for muffins

Roasted banana for muffins.

Making banana bread muffins

Lily helped me make the roasted banana muffins.

Making banana bread muffins

Blowing a 'poofer'

Lily loves ‘poofers’. We spend most of our walks looking for them and then blowing them. I’m sure the neighbors don’t love that she does it, but I don’t care. It’s her thing.



I’m joining Amy from A Good Life‘s phone picture link up.

Wall frame art

A while ago I saw this great idea on Pinterest (our course) and just filed it in the back of my mind as something I thought Lily would like to do, but didn’t have any plans to do it immediately. Then one day a week or so ago Lil wanted to draw and so I grabbed a length of easel paper off of the easel and taped it to the wall. I very crudely drew a few frames for Lil and handed her the marker/crayon/colored pencil box and away she went.

First fram wall

Waldo came in while she was drawing in the frames and sat with her while I worked a little.  After she was done he told me what it hit it was and to be sure to do it again. I was more than happy too.

Lily drawing in her frames

This time she drew little people in the frames rather then amoebas.  This kept her busy for almost an hour.

Person with a furry belly

It's a person with a furry belly, of course.

Howling Man

This one is a howling man. See his "O-ing" mouth?

This was a very easy craft to set up and Lily loved it. I’d give it a 6 out of 10 crayon rating.

I’m gardening!

For years and years now I have wanted to grow some kind of garden in the summer. I wasn’t picky, a few pots on my porch would have made me happy, but I just never got around to it. Something would always come up, or so I would tell myself, but really I was scared. I was scared I would kill all of the little plants and waste all of that time and money. Scared I didn’t know what I was doing and would do something wrong. I don’t know, scared of letting myself fail. All of these have a ring of truth to them.

My very good friend Paula (whom I miss very much) put this garden into motion last fall. She sent me a bunch of garlic to plant. Apparently if you plant your garlic in the fall and let it over-winter it tastes much better. I know, I had no idea things like this happened. I very dutifully planted the garlic in pots and covered them with leaves to protect them from the frosts and freezes of winter. I pretty much ignored them after that until a few months ago when my Father In Law David came inside and mentioned that I had sprouts. Lily and I ran outside and low and behold there were beautiful green sprouts peaking above the leaves. These little spouts set my mind on a garden for sure.

Just like every year Waldo and I talked about putting in a garden and because of the garlic I started making a list of what I wanted to grow. David laid drip-lines in the garden area to make life easier; most of the garden will be automagically watered for me. One day while Waldo worked Lily and I went to the store and bought some little started plants. While we were at Home Depot Lily wanted to grow a little flower so I let her pick one and she was so proud of that little plant. After getting our lovely little plants we went home and went to work.

David helped me dig the holes (thankfully, I probably would have given up otherwise, the ground was much harder than I expected) and Lily and I planted all of our little plants. After they were planted we all stood back and admired our hard work. Just the act of planting the little food plants was very satisfying. I can’t wait to harvest and eat something I grew.


Strawberries, spinach, broccoli, red and green peppers.

Little Garden Helper

My little garden helper watering the new little plants.

Drip Line In The Garden

I have added some plants since this picture was taken. We also have some leeks, russet potatoes, white potatoes and tomatoes which were suppose to be peppers, but were mislabeled.

Lil's Flower

Lily’s little flower.

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