Painting with homemade fizzy sidewalk paint.

I found this on Pinterest one morning last week went right out and made it for Lil.


It really couldn’t have been easier to put together. I had everything in the kitchen or craft closet so it cost me nothing to make which means it’s either a guaranteed failure or the best thing to ever happen. ever!

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Fizzy Sidewalk paint:

About 8 big spoonfuls of baking soda

1/2 cup of cornstarch

Warm (almost hot) Water

Food coloring

Mix the dry ingredients and then add water stirring until its not too thick.  I probably used about a cup, but I am not 100% sure.  Once I separated it into the muffin tins, I used Wilton pastel food gels for the colors. This was so much fun. It comes with pink, yellow, blue and green so I got to show Lil how mixing colors makes new colors. We have pretty much perfected orange and purple at this point.

This paint dries very quickly – but washes off fairly easily. However the darker colors did stain the driveway a bit, but now even that has faded.

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

The blog I got the recipe from called for a container of baking soda, but I buy huge bags of baking soda from Costco so I just guessed at the amount.  Next time I make this I will use more baking soda because there wasn’t nearly as much fizzing as I would have liked.

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

The fizzing came from vinegar in a spray bottle.  Lil loves spray bottles so this was hands down the best thing in the world. Mom letting her just go free with a spray bottle and not a cat in sight to get in the way. YAY!

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

Homemade fizzy sidewalk painting

I gave this a 6 out of 10 crayon rating because of my bad proportions. I’m pretty sure Lil would give this a 8 rating; which YAY! We’ll try again with more baking soda.

*I don’t have an explanation for the helmet. It’s just part of her daily uniform lately. Whatever floats your boat kid.

A view from Lily’s world

We went to World Market last weekend to look for spice jars and Lil wanted to take some pictures. I handed her my phone and reminded her to be careful. This is a small sampling of what I found on my phone after I got it back.

View from Lily's world

View from Lily's world

View from Lily's world

View from Lily's world

At one point I realized it looks like she was just taking a bunch of pictures of the floor and asked her what she was doing. She replied ‘I want to take pictures of our feet’, ‘well then I guess proceed’.

View from Lily's world

View from Lily's world

View from Lily's world

This last one I took at home that night. We bought these cookies because I LOVE wafer cookies and had made it my mission to taste all of them that the world had to offer. After these cookies I think I need to rethink my life goals. They were terrible, actually terrible isn’t strong enough, hideous, revolting, sickening. I think you get the picture. I think we each ate one and than decided that they made better blog/forum fodder then food and tossed them after the picture was taken.

Gross cookies

Random Mobile shots

This is Lily’s dog Gracie. I was in the other room and Lil ran in and said ‘come see what I forced on Gracie’. This is what I found.


Lil needed some sandles for summer. We found these at Target. She loves them so much.

New summer sandles

I’m trying really hard-ish to learn to sew. So far I’ve made a bunch of cloth baby wipes. The other day I ventured way out and made some cloth cleaning wipes, like paper towel replacements.

Homemade kitchen wipes

Last week I painted Lily’s fingers and toes for the first time. I’m pretty sure this is the coolest thing to ever happen to her.

First finger/toe paint

First finger/toe paint

Painting with Water

Like I said yesterday Lil’s cousins Brock and Bryce were over a few days ago.  After they finished their Popsicles they wanted to make a tent out of the sheet they had been using to sit on while eating their snacks.  While Rita (My Mother in Law) was making the tent I grabbed 3 paint brushes that I wouldn’t mind if the bristles got ruined, some sidewalk chalk and two bowls of water.  I put the bowls down on the patio and laid the brushes in the bowls. I explained to the kids that they were painting water and told them to have fun. They all loved the idea of painting and started making designs on the patio.  Once Rita was done with the tent they even started painting the tent sheet.  Brock (almost 4) was happily painting away, but kept saying to me “why are we using water? My Mom has paint for us to paint with”. I laughed and said that I have paint too, but today we were doing something different. He probably brought it up 4 or 5 times. I thought it was hilarious that he was totally having fun with the water, but wanted to know where the paint really was. I had a couple of opportunities to point out that if we had been using real paint we couldn’t do this or that and he still wanted to know where the paint was.

I highly recommend this activity.  It kept the three of them busy for 30 or more minutes and I only had to break up a few squabbles.

Painting with water

Painting with water

Painting with water

Painting with water

Painting with water

Painting with water

Painting with water

After a while Lily decided to try the broom as a painting tool.

Painting with water and a broom

Painting with water and a broom

Painting with water and a broom

She seemed satisfied with the broom, but I think my bowls were just way too small.

Painting with water and a broom

Of course in the end everyone ended up inside the tent. And no one ever touched the sidewalk chalk.

In a tent

I’d say this gets a 10 out of 10 crayons. It’s easy, cheap, has a very low mess factor, and everyone loved it.

Popsicles made less messy

I had a brilliant moment a few days ago and I know I’m not inventing the wheel here, but I had to share.

Lil’s cousins Brock and Bryce were visiting and they had just got back from the park with my In-laws. The kids were hot and wanted a snack. I had made Lil some strawberry banana surprise Popsicles a few days before so I gave each of them one and we all went out to the backyard to keep the mess down.  Brock was sitting on a sheet with my Mother in Law when he started complaining that he didn’t like how the popsicle juice was getting on his arm. I had a flash of brilliance, I went inside and grabbed 3 small paper plates from the pantry and made a slit in the middle with a sharp paring knife. I went outside, asked Brock for his popsicle and popped it in the slit. He was thrilled. My Mother in Law was amazed and I was pretty darn happy since cleanup just got a lot easier. I put Lily and Bryce’s popsicles on a plate too and everyone was happy.

Eating popsicles

Brock and his Popsicle


Eating popsicles

Lil and her Popsicle


Eating popsicles

Lily and Bryce with their Popsicles

Like I said I didn’t invent this, I have seen people put candles through paper plates for vigils and I’ve seen ear candles the same way. I just haven’t seen popsicles like this before. With Summer and the hot weather coming up I thought some people might find this useful.

Oh and the Strawberry and banana surprise popsicles couldn’t be easier to make. I put a banana in my small food processor along with some sliced up strawberries. Once it was all chopped up I added some plain yogurt and a splash of orange juice. Pulsed it again to mix it together and spooned it into my new popsicle molds. I highly recommend the molds by the way, they are super sturdy and way cute.

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