
I was putting Lil to bed tonight and while giving her a big hug I told her what I always tell her: “I love you soooooo much”. She replied “I love you sooooo much more”.

I mean really! How lucky am I?

Lil in her purple dress

The picture has nothing to do with the bedtime story, I just love it and felt this post needed a picture.

Homemade Pizza, one of my favorite things

When we lived in Montana (two years ago, I can’t believe it’s been that long) Waldo and I made pizza often. I used Alton Brown’s sauce (so friggin good) and dough (also very good) recipes. While I love both recipes the dough has to sit in the fridge overnight and always seems to make a big mess. I made it a few times while we were in California, but since we’ve moved to Idaho I haven’t bothered. As an aside, that’s a lot of moving in two years, seesh.  Anyway my Mother in Law Rita has been on a pizza making kick lately so now I’ve caught the bug myself.  She has to make gluten free dough and I like as much gluten in mine as possible so we can’t share. Since Alton’s recipe for dough takes to long to be usable I am now on hunt for the best quick pizza dough.

A few weeks ago I ran across a blog post about freezing foods (a whole different post I’m working on) and decided to give the pizza crust a try.  I made the sauce one day, separated it and froze it. The next day I made the pizza dough, separated it and froze it all.

Homemade Pizza sauce

Homemade Pizza sauce

I didn’t manage to get any pictures of the sauce after I blended the heck out of it. Alton says this sauce can be used for pasta, meatballs, pizza and just about anything else you can think to put a tomato sauce on. I’ve never used it for anything other than pizza.

When I separated the dough I made two big balls and two small ones so that Lil could have her own pizzas. This was one of the best decisions I’ve made in a while. Lil doesn’t like anything remotely spicy and is very suspicious of red sauce so she doesn’t eat much pizza lately and if you know me even a little you will know that is just unimaginable to me. So anyway with Lil’s little pizza dough I made her a white pizza with a little ranch as a base sauce and then she cheesed it up. She loves helping me cook so the fact that she got to make her own pizza was!

Helping to make pizzas

It was totally an accident that her dough was shaped like a heart, but we all thought it was great.

Helping to make pizzas

She also insisted on helping with our pizza, which was fine with Waldo and I.

Helping to make pizzas

*The cup of peas isn’t for the pizza. Lil loves to eat frozen peas so she was snacking on them while we prepped dinner.

Home made pizza

The pizza was delicious, but it was mostly because of the sauce. I’m pretty sure you could dip cardboard in that sauce and it would be the best thing you’ve eaten in a year. You will notice in the bottom corner a small cup of sauce to dip the crust in. Yum.  The dough itself we both felt was a little too bland. We are still searching for the best dough (besides Alton’s) so if you have any recipes for me to try let me know.

Homemade square-ish goldfish crackers

Last week my friend Amy mentioned Smitten Kitchen’s goldfish cracker recipe on Facebook and since I had all of the ingredients on hand I decided Lil and I would make them the next day.  The next morning after I cleaned up from breakfast I gathered all of the stuff I needed, which thankfully wasn’t much.  You need a food processor, a little cheese, some flour, salt and onion powder, easy peasy.  We buy our cheese from Costco and because of the size we grate it right away and freeze it in usable portions so that made these crackers a snap to make.

My little chef was a big help. She poured everything into the food processor and probably ate more cheese than she put in the bowl.  She tried really hard to roll some of the dough with her really cool alligator rolling pin, but just couldn’t get it to work.

kitchen helper

kitchen helper

Finally I rolled some out for her and gave her a knife (a really real knife! I know!) for her to cut some crackers herself. When Waldo walked away he whispered to me ‘do you know she has a real knife?’ I laughed and said that I did know and I was watching her. She’s never going to learn how to use a knife if we don’t let her. He rolled his eyes and walked away. And she did do fine and besides those knifes are almost too dull to cut a red pepper so I wasn’t too worried.

kitchen helper

I didn’t have a small fish shaped cookie cutter or any other small cutters so I just used a knife and cut square-ish shapes.

Homemade square-ish goldfish crackers

I think they turned out pretty well. So did Lily.

Kitchen helper

When we went shopping this weekend I picked up a set of 6 small cookie cutters and made more crackers this morning. They turned out really cute.

More goldfish crackers not shaped like fish

More goldfish crackers not shaped like fish

Random Mobile Shots

Lily and I painted a large canvas for Waldo for Father’s day. Painting her name was her idea and I loved it.

Waldo's father's day canvas

I don’t remember how this started, but it ended with Lily snuggling with her balance bike.

snuggling with her bike

I saw a a picture on Pinterest of a poofball soccer game for kids, but didn’t really take the time to read it. But it seemed like a good idea so the other day I took a small piece of posterboard, drew a line on each end and a circle in the middle and Lily and I spend a bunch of time blowing the poofball across the board with straws. She thought this was the best fun.

poof ball soccer

The weather has been beautiful so we took advantage of it and had lunch al fresco.

Lunch al fresco

Lunch al fresco

My Mother-in-Law’s heart porch hanging thingy. It shines little bits of light all over the porch and inside the house. At first it was a little annoying seeing the little lights move around out of the corner of my eye, but now I really like it.

Hearts in the sky

Yesterday I needed to clean the bathroom and decided that Lily could help. She loved the idea.

Cool gloves

I clean the bathroom with vinegar and water so I felt she was fine helping. She did the sink while I did the bathtub.

Little helper

A few months ago I bought a sand and water table for Lily and for the first time yesterday I put sand in it. I knew it would make a mess, but figured it wouldn’t be too bad. Boy was I wrong. There was mud all over the back porch within minutes of pouring the sand in the dry side. Lil didn’t’ even play with the water side except to put the water in the sand. she played for a long time and had a lot of fun, but it will be a very long time before we do this again.

Really dirty sand and water table

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