Christmas 2010

Since this was our first Christmas back in Cali we had to figure out how to incorporate our love of simple quiet holidays with visiting lots of relatives and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out.

On December 18th we went to a party at my cousin’s house for my Dad’s side of the family.

Silly glasses Group 2

Silly glasses Group 1

Lily and Christy

Lily in glasses

Lily and Mark


It was a lot of fun. I spent the days before the party baking 3 different types of cookies and two kinds of rice crispy treats to give out. The cookies turned out great but the royal icing was still wet on the sugar cookies so they didn’t look quite as nice as I had planned.*

It was also really cool because our Mamaw (Grandma, Dad’s Mom) just moved back to town last month after being away for 10 years. Everyone had a lot of fun eating, visiting and wearing silly glasses.

Originally we were going to have Christmas Eve at Waldo’s brother’s house but all of his family came down with the plague the day before so we switched up plans and it worked out great. Except for the sick babies part. Waldo’s brother has 4 boys; 12, 10, 2 1/2 and 1 (I think) and I think all of them were sick. We ended up having a really nice dinner at home with Waldo’s parents and then Lily opened her gifts from them.

I spent the days leading up to Christmas baking cookies and rice crispy treats to give out.*

Waldo made us hot chocolate and his Dad (Papa) started a fire. It was so cozy.
Christmas 2010

Waldo’s Mom Rita whom Lily calls ReRe made Lily a beautiful quilt and pillow case.
Christmas 2010

ReRe and Papa got her an easel, paper and markers along with a pack of Little people to go with the house she got a few weeks ago.
Christmas 2010

Lily always asks that you draw a kitty for her and we do but none of us are very talented. After a lot of drawing and playing we went to bed with hopes of sleeping in the following morning. And what can only be called a Christmas Miracle Lily didn’t wake up until 8 on Christmas morning. YAY.

After getting ready to go Waldo, Lily and I headed over to my Memaw’s (my Mom’s mom) house for chocolate gravy. This is the thing that I have been looking forward to most of all. It is a family tradition to have Memaw’s chocolate gravy for Christmas breakfast and it didn’t disappoint. My Grandparents house was packed to the gills with family, it was very noisy and a lot of fun.

Christmas 2010

We opened gifts then took a couple of pictures.

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

Once we were done Waldo, Lily and I left to go visit my Dad. We didn’t get any pictures over there but Lily got a lot of nice clothes and a couple of cute dolls. Then it was home so Lily could nap and then open her gifts from us.

Waldo and I had decided long ago that we don’t really exchange gifts with each other and that we wouldn’t go crazy for our kid(s). We want the holidays to be about family and not stuff. We did pretty good this year. We got Lily 3 little gifts and one slightly bigger thing. Actually one of the smaller gifts was suppose to be for one of the nephews but he already had something very similar only way better so we gave it to Lil instead and I have already gotten rid of it.

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

Both of Lil’s little gifts (that we bought specifically for her) were see and says. The smaller of the two was her favorite thing ever until she opened her last and best gift.

Christmas 2010

Lily loves Yo Gabba Gabba and we weren’t 100% sure which character she loved the most but she says TooDee’s name pretty often and she looked the cuddliest so we went with her. It was a huge hit.

After opening TooDee she wanted to draw all the Gabba gang. Waldo did his best.

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010

I hope that everyone had a wonderful and memorable Christmas and holiday season.

*I will do a separate post about the cookies.

Writer’s block

When I’m laying in bed at night I have blog posts writing in my head while I try to go to sleep. When I am sitting in the car I have stories on an endless loop in my head. When I’m cooking dinner I have ideas a plenty. But when I sit down in front of my keyboard I have nothing to say. I just stare blankly at my screen and the little blinking cursor. I know I have a lot to talk about but I just can’t seem to get it out my fingers. I have a ton of cute pictures to share but they aren’t uploaded yet and I just know that the second I start something Lily is going to wake up/want to nurse/ want to eat and it seems to daunting to even start.
I need to keep a note pad with me at all times to keep track of all these great ideas. Hey maybe I could find an app for my phone that would be useful for this. I think my phone might make a good post so I’m off to find some more apps.

Halloween 2010 – The Patch

This past Saturday which I guess would be Halloween-Eve we took Lily to this really cool looking Pumpkin Patch. She had a great time walking around and climbing on all the pumpkins. I don’t know what about the big orange pumpkins screamed crawl over me, but Lily sure thought so.


They also make great seats.

Lily loved climbing on and sitting on the pumpinks

Lily let us put her on top of the hay wall by a really cute little pumpkin and a scarecrow. I thought it would make a great picture and it sort of did, I think the light is a little off or something. Anyway, she wanted down RIGHT AWAY.

"Pempen" patch cutie

"Pempen" patch cutie

Lily was determined to move the wheelbarrow. I don’t know where she thought it needed to go but she was going to get it there.

"Pempen" patch cutie

I realized a while ago that I’m in very few pictures with Lily so I’m trying to get better about giving the camera to Waldo.

Lily and Me

I got a couple good ones of them, this one is my favorite. And did you notice, more pumpkin sitting?

Lily and Daddy at the "Pempen" patch.

On the way out Lily need to investigate the hay wall and the pumpkins.

Lily: Hey Mama, I’m pretty sure something great is going on over there.

Me: Oh yeah? What do you think it is Baby Girl?

Going up

L: I’m not sure, but I’m going to use these great orange step stools to find out.

M: Just be careful.

and Up

L: Almost there.

Almost there

L: Just a little further

"hey what's going on over there?"

M: What do you see?

L: Nothing, I’m too short!

Oh hai Mom

*Don’t you love how us blogger Mom’s will let their kid do something semi dangerous to get the good pictures? LOL!

Happy Halloween!
"Pempen" patch cutie

My Little Yo Gabba Gabba Addict

From the time that I was pregnant I had planned to limit Lily’s TV time and we did a pretty good job of it… until now.  We had showed Lily some clips from Yo Gabba Gabba a  few times over the last six months or so and she really showed no interest.  Then a few weeks ago Waldo turned on a episode on the living room tv and I think Lily finally saw all the dancing and now she’s head over heals addicted.  We didn’t know how strong the addiction was until later in the day when she came up to me and pointed to my computer and said “Dabba Dabba”.  I was shocked!  Now she asks for it on the TV, our computers and our phones all the time.  Sometimes we give in, sometimes we don’t.

The first I had heard of YGG was a clip I saw on Whoorl and I thought it was crazy.

I showed it to Waldo and he loved it. It is so colorful and good natured and old school that he knew he wanted to share it with Lily. After I saw another episode I knew I loved it too. I even saw a episode where they were telling kids not to eat things off the ground, I mean really, I am forever saying “we don’t eat floor food”, there is no three second rule in our house.

Each episode is full of good kid friendly lessons, dancing and music and sometimes really cool bands and actors.

Lily is in good company when it comes to her YGG addiction. I know that Gretchen, Maia and Em are also hug fans.

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