Sick Girl

Last Monday when I woke up I thought Lily might be coming down with something because she coughed a once or twice in the middle of the night and that is very unusual.  As the day past I figured I was being overly paranoid because Lily was playing and have a lot of fun with her cousin Bryce.  Then about 3 in the afternoon I noticed Lily was really warm and took her temp and it was just over 100.  She and I spent the rest of the afternoon in our bedroom snuggling.  At dinner time she didn’t touch her food and pretty much just snuggled on my lap the whole time.  After a useless dinner we got ready for bed and then she was playing again so I figured she was doing a little better, boy was I wrong.  At bedtime we sat down to nurse and when she was just about asleep she threw up on me. The was the first time in her life that she has ever thrown up and the poor girl did it again and again. I just kept rubbing her back and trying to help her feel better. When I took her temp it was just over 103. Waldo went and got my Dr. Sears Baby Book to look up fevers and that made us feel much better.  After about 15 minutes of snuggling and a quick outfit change I got her to drink some ice water and the next thing I know she’s running into the livingroom and running around like a perfectly healthy crazy person. Again I figured she was at least a little better. That night I got so little sleep that I might as well of not laid down at all. Lily nursed just about all night long, coughed her little head off and sneezed approximately 500 times. Most of those sneezes producing a fountain of snot the likes of which I have doubts could fit inside my kids head.

The next four or five days are a blur of more of the same. More fountain producing sneezes, more coughing, more fevers (thankfully they never got over 101 after that one reading of 103, and most of the time it was right around 99-100), more trying to get Lily to eat, more snuggling and lots of nursing. Lily is finally feeling better and I’ve learned a lot during this cold:

  • First and foremost I am so glad that I’m still breastfeeding.  Nursing offers Lily nutrition, hydration, antibodies and most/best of all comfort.
  • The Nosefrida is an amazing invention.  I bought it a while ago and thought it was pretty useless, but it has really come in handy this week.  Lily knows how to blow her nose but can’t do it strong enough to really get much out, the Nosefrida really helped with this.
  • Bathroom steams really helped too.  Dr. Sears recommends turning the shower on as hot as it gets and spend 10-15 minutes in there. It’s suppose to help loosen the nose and chest congestion, and help cough it up or blow it out.  It really helped Lily to breath to combine the streams and the Nosefrida, it worked out great.
  • Dr. Sears also suggests Sinupret as a natural sinus booster.  I can’t really say if this did anything or not, but I think it did.
  • Baby Tylenol did nothing.  Waldo ran to the store after Lil threw up that first night and got some and we used it a couple of times and I honestly couldn’t tell a difference.
  • Did I mention breastfeeding?  Because let me tell you, we did a LOT of it.  My nipples are so sore, sorry for the TMI.  But sore boobs are a small price to pay for Lily feeling comforted and safe.
  • Lily’s head can hold a ton of snot.  Those sneezes that cause all of it to come flying out of her nose simply amaze me.
  • Putting a little lotion on Lily’s nose is a must, but usually ends up with both us getting lotion all of our faces.
  • The Nosefrida has to be used on the “baby” before Lily will let it be used on her.  Lily’s baby dolls have the clearest sinuses around.

This wasn’t Lily’s first cold but probably the second or third of this head cold type and this one seemed to be the worst.  I am so glad that it’s mostly over.

I’m telling you right now, if your kid has a running nose or you sneeze in the area, I’m running for the hills.  I don’t want to deal with this again anytime soon.

Late Night Cuteness of the Lily Bean

I don’t know what happened last night, but just as Waldo and I were laying down our heads to dream, Lily decided it was the perfect time to party.   I did not agree, but after about an hour of trying to nurse her to sleep I gave up and we went into the office and tried to kill time till Lily was ready to go to sleep.  Of course she had what felt like a really nice long nap and was ready to be awake and having fun.  In the three and a half hours that we had to kill she pulled out some super cuteness and I of course tried to capture it.

I have sang her “patty cake” a bunch since she was little, but something about it a few days ago really stuck with her and now it’s her favorite thing.  She especially love the “roll it” part.

Since her birthday last month Lily has been singing a lot of “happy birthday”.  By the way I have no idea she got the idea for the “microphone” from.

Me and My Girl

We were hanging out last night and Lily started giving me “big hugs” so I told asked Waldo to get the camera.  He took like three shots and as he was reviewing them he said “you are going to love her face in this one”. He was so right.

I think this kid likes me just a little

I think she likes me just a little.

Lily’s big 2nd birthday party

Waldo and I decided that since Lily made her big debut three days before Christmas we would have to have her birthday parties a couple of weeks early. You know, in order to avoid all of the holiday hoopla or have her birthday confused with a Christmas party. The date of her party has been set for months now, that was the easy part. I’m going to just go ahead and say it now; I have no idea how to throw a party, I had no idea where to start or what I needed to do. I just muddled my way through this whole thing.

Last year we had a little birthday party for Lily’s 1st birthday and it was suppose to have a snowman theme. I say suppose to because I didn’t really decorate for it and the snow white cake that the whole thing was planned around was a flop. So when I was talking to Waldo about the party he said that I should do the cake again to redeem it, I thought that was a great idea and ran with it. I grabbed snowman things whenever I saw something that caught my eye. I got some really cute little felt snowman buckets in Target’s dollar section, I got 5 or 6 snowman cookie trays at different places and a few other snowman decorations here and there. I figured they didn’t need to really match as long as it was all snowman related it would work together. I decided that I needed to make Lily a birthday banner, kind of like all the cute ones I’ve seen online. This banner became a little bit of an obsession for me and I’m sort of glad I didn’t keep all the receipts; I don’t want to know how much it ended up costing.

Besides the few decorations the most important thing to me was the food. I purposely decided to have the party in between meal times so all I had to do was snacks. Since I love to cook and bake I was really looking forward to this part. Then like fate was smiling on me I got a holiday cookie issue of Food Network Magazine in the mail. It was full of cookies and I was inspired. I decided to make Snow Capped Macaroons that looked like little mountains, meringue snowflake cookies and rice crispy treats.  Somehow the rice crispy treats morphed into a table of snowman part treats.  I made rice crispy treats into little balls so they were the snowballs, then we had pretzel sticks (arms), baby carrots (noses), whoppers (buttons) and junior mints (eyes and mouths).

I think I might have forgotten to mention that while I knew what day and time the party was on and what food we were going to have and what decorations I was going to use, I had no flippin idea where the party was going to be held.  We live with Waldo’s parents and while they have a nice home it is nowhere near big enough to hold all of the people that were coming.  And even though we live in California it’s still December so we couldn’t really have the party outside, and I was trying to keep this party on budget so I couldn’t afford to have it at a place that we had to pay very much for.  Luckily my Grandparents live in a retirement community that has a clubhouse, unluckily when I called about renting it they wanted a bunch of money for it.  So I asked my Grandpa (Pop) to go and ask and he bartered a deal so we got it for free, yay for musical grandparents.

I spent a lot of evenings, after Lily went to bed, cutting out circles and gluing them together and using glitter glue and puffy paint.  It was a lot of fun.   After the snowmen were done I spent a lot of time admiring them, I don’t often feel creative or that my creations are cute (besides Lily of course).  I was very proud of my snowmen.


I had wanted to get Lily a cute 2nd birthday or birthday girl or snowman shirt to wear at her party, but didn’t think of it early enough to order it online and couldn’t find anything in the local stores. Sure I could have ordered it and paid crazy shipping, but I could write a whole post about how much I HATE paying shipping and will work super hard to get free shipping or just wait longer for the cheap option. Since I couldn’t find anything good locally I gave up on the shirt and then a few days before the party I realized I had all this puffy paint and glitter glue left so I went to Walmart (another post could be written about how much I hate that place with the passion of 1000 stars) and found a really cute plain red shirt for $3.50. I only picked up one and I knew that was a bad idea. After Lily went to bed I set up my crafting station (two tv trays) next to Waldo and set to work. Just as I was putting the finishing touches on the hat Waldo reached over and placed a few peppermint hershey kisses (love them) on my tray and of course set his hand in my wet hat. He felt really bad, but he hadn’t even realized I had started on the shirt because he was watching something or playing something.  Back to Walmart we went and this time got two of the cute red shirts. I decorated both and in the end I’m really glad I did. I again spent a good amout of time admiring my craft because I was pretty darn proud of it.

I'm 2 shirt

The day before the party was a blur of sugar, flour and egg whites. I used approximately two dozen egg whites and two whole eggs, oddly enough for me I’m totally not exaggerating. The only thing that I baked that had yolks in it was the chocolate cake for the snowman’s hat. Oh and by the way I only knew how I was going to do the cake like two days before. I had just planned to do a double layer 9 inch cake and never thought more about it, but then I was talking to my mother in law (who’s made lots of cakes and has taken cake classes) about it she pointed out that with the number of people we were going to need more like 3 cakes. Talk about scrambling. After a lot of discussion I decided to make a cake in the shape of a snowman, it really only made sense.

Between all the cookies and cakes it took me A LOT longer to make them all then I had expected and we (my wonderful Mother in law and myself) were still decorating the cake moments before the party started. I was so stressed. We were suppose to get to the clubhouse at noon and the party started at 2, but because of my over ambitious plans we didn’t get to the clubhouse till 1:30. Luckily a few of my cousins were already there so they helped decorate. It wasn’t how I planned it, but it worked out great.


Cakes with crumb coat and snowball rice crispy treats in the background


unbaked Meringue snowflake cookies

I had planned on the snowman banner being on ribbon, but changed my mind at the last minute and figured we could just use double stick tape to hold them up. I’m not super please with that decision, but I can’t change it now.

Snowman display

Final snowman display

I am so glad that Waldo recommended that I try to redeem the cake because it was so darn good.  It was moist and delicious and the white chocolate buttercream was a bit fussy to make but so worth it.  I think the frosting was my favorite part.  I had all these high aspirations of piping all the little details onto the cake but ran out of time and almost broke down but then Waldo recommended using the snacks from the “snowman parts” table.  I was overall happy with the outcome, it wasn’t what I had in mind to begin with but I thought he turned out pretty cute.

The Cake

The finished cake

Cookies and chips

Meringue snowflake cookies and Snowcapped macaroon mountains

I made two batches of the rice crispy treats: one was the regular way and the other I added chopped up peppermint Hershey kisses.  Yummy.

Snowman Parts

Snowman parts snacks

The Birthday Party Girl

The Birthday Party Girl

Opening elmo

Opening presents

Lily's belly dancing outift

This is the top to the wonderful homemade bellydancing dress my Mom's wife made

Me with my creation

Me and my snowman

Lily and GG

Lily and GG (my Mom)

Lily, ReRe and Papa

Lily with ReRe and Papa (My in-laws)

Small cake

The little cake

Lily, eating her birthday cake

Lily eating her piece of cake. She loved it.

Lily and Daddy

Lily and Daddy

Jeni's snowman

My cousin Jeni made a snowman from the parts

Lily and Rere

Lily and her ReRe

I may have muddled my way through, but I was pretty happy with the outcome.  But let me tell you this now, next year Lily will have cake at home on her birthday and that’s about it.

What’s your name?

Lily has a hard time with “L”s so her name isn’t something that she’s even really tried till a couple of days ago. Out of nowhere she said Lily and I was shocked. Now she won’t just say Lily, she always says “Lily Bean” which is fine with me. It was my goal to get it recorded because I want to always remember the way she says it. It just melts my heart. I was afraid that I’d never get it recorded because she doesn’t like to show off and when I ask her to do something she usually gets embarrassed and just smiles at me. I was very happy that she was in a cooperative mode this evening and I got it.

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