
Lily has started swearing and I kid you not, it’s the cutest thing EVER!

When she sees something amiss she puts a hand on her hip and says “Gonit!” I’m guessing it’s a Lily version of Doggonit that I’ve taken to using in place of my normal sailor speak. I have worked pretty hard to clean up my vocabulary when I’m around Lily (which is almost all the time) so I’m pretty pleased that she picked up on this word and not one of the less socially acceptable ones.

These pictures have nothing to do with the post, I just haven’t put up any new pictures lately. There from my phone so not the best, sorry.


All dressed up for Thanksgiving.

Playing behind ReRe's tree

Twinkle, twinkle, Christmas lights


I am obsessed

Waldo and I have started reading books on our phones and I can’t stop. I am crazy obsessed. Right now I’m reading the Southern Vampire Mysteries, its the books that True Blood is based on and I have read the first 7 in about 2 1/2 weeks. I can barely stop to work and take care of my family. Blogging and everything else is taking a backseat. I’m really sorry for that too, but I can’t help myself. I used to be an avid reader, but reading books has been impossible with Lily around. I always have my phone with me so it’s so convenient to read a page or two here and there.

When we first got our phones I tried reading something on it and gave up pretty quickly, but I think my problem with it wasn’t the size of the screen, it was that I just didn’t care about what I was reading at first.

I think I’m going to have to force myself to take a break after I finish the last 3 books in their series in order to get anything done in my life.
But just for fun, does anyone have any good book suggestions for me? I don’t care much for drama, but I’ll give just about anything else a try.

I am so proud

We have been dealing with a nasty diaper rash over here. Well it’s not truly a diaper rash, more like a few raised blisters. We cloth diaper and I’m 99% sure that the blisters were a result of using my brother-in-law’s washer when we first moved here. They use normal conventional laundry soap and fabric softeners, you know the things that normal people use, not the stuff that crunchy, cloth diapering, chemical avoiding weirdos use. Because we used their washer for about 2 1/2 weeks the buildup from the laundry soap was pretty bad. Anyway, the point is that I’m working on clearing up this apparently painful “rash” on Lily and part of that is of course trying to strip our diapers, but also trying everything in my natural rash clearing up kit. I’ve tried coconut oil, oatmeal baths, salt water baths, calendula oil, Rescue Cream and a few other things I’m sure. I’ve also tried to have Lil run around diaper-less as often as possible. But she hates being diaper-less and I’m not too fond of it myself. We have gotten those blisters just about cleared up a number of times and then something will happen to set them back again, mostly she will have a poop that I don’t smell and she doesn’t complain about and sits in it for a little too long.

Well yesterday I decided that I was so over these blisters, as is Lil so we I’m making sure she’s commando as often as possible. I moved her little potty chair to the family room where we spend most of our time and reminded Lil that that when she felt her body telling her it was time to go, she could go right there. Back story: She’s used the potty a number of times, just not consistently or very often. We aren’t pushing her to potty train, I want her to do it when she’s ready, but I won’t complain when I don’t have diaper laundry to do anymore either. Back to my point.

I was working at my computer and she was drawing at her easel and I hear “oops”. I remind her that accidents are fine, but that the potty is there when she needs it. A little later, like 30 minutes or so, I hear “oops” again. I go through the whole thing again. After a diapered nap and lunch we go back to the family room and I strip her and remind her of the potty chair.

I’m working at my computer again and she walks up to me and says “I listened to my body”, I get up and tell her to hurry to her potty. She responds with “no I already did, see!” And she had. This happened two more times!!! before bed! The last time, she had to get out of the bath to take care of business.

I don’t know what will happen when we wake up tomorrow, but this was awesome. It was like a little light went off in her head and she put the pieces together. I’m sure we will spend a lot more diaper-less time for the next few days because those blisters looked much better tonight, but not gone yet so hopefully it will help to reinforce using the potty.

Does anyone have any other diaper rash solutions for me to try?

Things I like: Boise

We’ve lived in Boise for almost a month in a half and I thought I’d blog about some of thing things that I like about Boise.

Parks: They are everywhere, I mean everywhere. We live outside of Boise in a little community and I’m pretty sure that every subdivision has their own. And the schools aren’t locked down like they are in California (at least where we lived) so you can go play on the playgrounds there too. Oh and of course there are city parks all over the place and a huge greenbelt. I wasn’t even sure what a greenbelt was before we moved here.

Food Co-Ops: Boise has no Whole Foods or Trader Joes: kill me dead right now, or I thought so before we moved here. Boise has a great food co-op store that is bigger than the Trader Joe’s in Fresno: The Boise Co-op. I can find just about everything that I need there. Yes it’s more expensive than Trader Joes, but close in price to Whole Foods and right on in the price department of what we were used to paying at the little organic foods stores in Montana.

Besides the Co-op I have found two other ways to get good fresh organic produce. Bountiful Basket and Full Circle Farm. I’ll talk more about these in another post, but I’m going to say that I LOVE them.

The people: Oh how I missed these people when I was in California. I’m going to admit that I’m not a super social person and I’m shy, but I am a people person. I know, very confusing. I love polite, nice people. I love smiling at people as our eyes meet while we pass each other on the street, or in the store. I love people that hold the door for you. I love stopping someone in Costco asking where they bought their daughter’s crown and having a quick conversation and I love being stopped in a different Costco by a woman that needed to borrow my pen. The people are so nice.

Oh I remembered one more thing, the Babywearing! Boise is a babywearing city. Everywhere I go I see a Mom or occasionally a Dad wearing a little peanut. Mostly they are using Bjorns, but I have seen a lot of mei tais and Moby’s and one beautiful green woven wrap in Old Navy. I stopped and told that Mom how pretty her wrap was, I couldn’t not.

So far I love Boise.

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