Love is about the little things

All day today my back has been bothering me. Nothing major, but occasionally I’ll bend wrong and my back with yell a little. This evening we were sitting around and Lily was playing with the tablet and totally engrossed in it. I moaned pretty much under my breath “Oh my back hurts” and within a heartbeat Lily appeared in front of me with a couch pillow and said “here mama, this will help your back”.

This kid is the epitome of love being about the little things.

Park kiddo

I have heard on a number of occasions that she missed me sooooo much with a vice grip hug after being in the other room for a few moments.

Crushing egg shells

Lil is a kitty more often than not these days and if I’m not happy about something or I get hurt she will come and purr at me to make me feel better. This is one of my favorites.

This girl keeps me on my toes and knocks me off my feet daily. This is what life is meant to be.

Park kiddo

Happiness and love!

The pictures have nothing to do with the post at all. I just liked them and didn’t have any other use for them.

Sticky walls for Spring and Easter

I found the idea to use contact paper (sticky side out) on a table on Pinterest and Lily loved it. I have since tried it on the wall and Lily loves it even more.

I had thought at first to buy Lil some pattern blocks because I saw on some blog that her kids had fun with it, but keep putting off actually buying them. One day I decided to see if Lily would even like it and took some craft foam sheets that I had bought but didn’t really have a use for and cut it into different shapes. Lil went crazy for it.

Sticky wall

Since she like doing abstract shapes so much I thought I’d try using the craft foam to celebrate the seasons and holidays.

First up: Spring.

While Lil was downstairs playing with Waldo’s parents I started cutting foam sheets up into flowers and a sun and some clouds.  Lil walked in and saw the stack of foam sheets and went straight to the drawer where I keep my exacto knife (well covered so the sharp end isn’t a danger) grabbed it and the cutting board it came with and proclaimed I needed to make her more shapes.  First off I have to say that I didn’t know she even knew my knife was in the drawer of my craft dresser-thing and I’ve since moved it and secondly holy crap I guess she liked the sticky board even more than I though.

Spring sticky wall

I showed her what I had already made her and asked what else she needed. Lily decided that we needed some red and orange clouds, a tree (which I thought was an awesome idea and couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it), a bird (see ‘a tree’), a butterfly and a snowflake (from a pre-cut winter foam sheet set we had).

Spring sticky wall

The spring board was a huge hit and is still up on the wall.


Second sticky board: Easter bunnies.

We aren’t religious people and do a very secular version of Christmas and Easter. It’s all about family, fun, crafts and being together. That’s just so you know why there are never any crosses in my art with Lily. 🙂

We stopped at Michaels last weekend so I could grab some pastel paint for our eggs. Let me just point out here that I found it very hard to get pastel paint anywhere, do you have a secret place you get it from? Anyway we were looking around and I grabbed some foam sheets cut like eggs and I figured I’d do another sticky wall with them or a mobile or something. I also grabbed a spring colored collection of foam sheets. The more I thought of the foam eggs the clearer a craft idea became. Of course in the end it only barely resembled the grand plan in my brain, but it was fun none the less.

Thursday I gave Lily the foam eggs and some puffy paint since she loved it so much last time and she went to town.

Decorating foam eggs for the sticky wall

I showed her how to make lines, she was one happy girl after that.

Decorating foam eggs for the sticky wall

I know she looks really bored, but I checked and she's just concentrating.

Decorating foam eggs for the sticky wall

Decorating foam eggs for the sticky wall

The green is just craft glue that I added some green dye to for fun.

Decorating foam eggs for the sticky wall

I wasn’t sure how long the huge globs of puffy paint was going to take to dry so I planned to do the rest of the sticky wall on Saturday instead of Friday.  I’m really glad I did, the largest globs weren’t dry till Saturday morning.

After I put Lily to bed Friday night I started getting everything ready for Saturday morning.  I put a new piece of contact paper up on a free space of wall (I’m running out of free wall space in the family room very quickly) and figured out how to make a very simple basket. I normally would let Lily put everything up on the sticky wall, but I wanted a few things “just so” on this particular wall so I did a few of the items.

Bunny sticky wall

I put a little easter grass in the basket and set to work on making my bunnies.  I honestly had no idea how I was going to make them when I started looking around the family room for inspiration.  I initially thought they’d be pretty small, but ended up using one of the foam eggs as a template for the belly portion so they are bigger than the eggs and that worked out just fine, thankfully.  After cutting two body portions out of craft foam I grabbed one of Lil’s tiny tea cups and used it to trace a circle for the head. I free-handed the ears and then decided that they needed some additional dimension and added a little almost round piece to the belly, a muzzle on the face and inner ear colors. I loved my little bunnies. I took them in and showed Waldo, who tried really hard to not roll his eyes too much.  I then decided they needed arms and legs and this was almost the end of my cute bunnies.  The arms and legs got very cartoonish and long and at first I hated it, but Lil ended up using only the arms and it worked out great. I know that I’m the only one that the arms and legs being weird would bother, but I worked hard on my little buddies bunnies and wanted perfection.

Bunnys for the sticky wall

I put the bunny parts together and just placed the eyes on the tray so Lil would be able to see what they were, but would be able to customize.  I shouldn’t have been surprised that she put them all together just about exactly how I had them laid out. I mean Mr. Potato Head has only one suitable configuration, oh well.  I stayed up very late to get my bunnies all finished and make sure everything was ready for when Lil woke up in the morning.  I find it funny that most Mom’s would stay up late on Saturday night to make it look like the Easter bunny had been busy with baskets and eggs for Easter. I stay up late Friday night so that Lil can do a fun easter craft instead.

Saturday morning bright and early Lil woke up and we started our day.  She didn’t disappoint me with her reaction to my bunny craft.  We spent a little time gluing the eyes on and then she got to work.

Bunny sticky wall

Bunny sticky wall

I love that she used poof balls for feet, unfortunately poof balls don't stick to contact paper very well.

The bunnies got moved around a bit before Lil was totally satisfied, but once she was it was all perfect.

Bunny sticky wall

Bunny sticky wall

I love making sticky walls for Lily with craft foam shapes and other items we find around the house and craft closet.  She has a lot of fun with it and learns along the way too.  Most of the time the foam sheets are repositionable, but sometimes they get totally stuck and you can’t move it without ripping.  Such is life I guess and we all move on.  I have a sticky wall idea that’s forming involving fish, I can’t wait to see how it works out.

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Discovery Center Fun

A few weeks ago we wanted to do something fun with Lil, and something that was different than the zoo.  So I looked up the Discovery Center of Idaho and figured out that there were probably some things that Lil would enjoy.  We packed up Lil and headed to Boise.

I was a little worried that Lil wouldn’t have fun, but figured that the Discovery Center is in the Zoo parking lot so we could always make a stop there if necessary.  I was totally worried for nothing.

Discovery Center 2/12

Everything at the Discovery Center could be touched and played with.  Lily loved it.

Discovery Center 2/12

Of course a lot of the exhibits were way over my her head, but she still had fun touching them or turning their dials or whatever.

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

Lil loves looking at herself in the mirror, so this infinite mirror thing was the best thing she’s ever seen.

Discovery Center 2/12

I was wrong, the little grocery store was the BEST. THING. EVER. EVER. EVER.

Discovery Center 2/12

She put little fruits and veggies in her cart and had a blast.

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

Then she got to check out. Oh, the excitement of it all.

She goes grocery shopping with us every weekend and sees how the whole thing works and the fact that she got to do it herself was so much fun.

Discovery Center 2/12

Every time she scanned a item she went “boop boop”. I have a video of it somewhere, I need to find that.

Discovery Center 2/12

We were on our way out the door when we saw this bubble tank and had to stop by and see what it was all about.

Discovery Center 2/12

This was my favorite thing at the Center. Lil and I had so much fun blowing huge bubbles, while Waldo took pictures.

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

You know it’s a good sign when Lily asked as we were walking out the door to come back soon. And the next day she kept asking to go back to the place with the store.  We will definitely be going back to the Discovery Center. It was a blast.

Sickly sickos

Our house is full of sick people right now. My Father-in-law was the first to fall to the Doom and we are pretty sure he’s had two different things already. For about two weeks he coughed and I think had a runny nose, then all the sudden his illness turned and became so much worse. About three or four days after FIL’s nasties turned even nastier Lily and I started showing symptoms. For the last week and a half Lily and I have had terrible coughs (that keep me up most of the nights), fevers, runny noses, chills (me), headache (me again) and overall feeling like crap. Luckily Waldo and his Mom stayed healthy and took care of us.

The past week Lily and I have spent most of the day snuggling on the couch watching the same episodes of Clifford over and over. I would toss a Sesame Street in every once in a while and usually she wouldn’t notice, thankfully.  I still had to work, but I couldn’t make my normal work phone calls because on Thursday and Friday I had pretty much no voice and even today when I talk I end up coughing in the middle of most of my sentences.

My FIL is just about 2 weeks from when the newest flu or whatever hit him and he’s getting close to being over it. I don’t have a fever anymore, but I’m still coughing like crazy and have a super sore throat. Lil still has a very low grade fever, runny nose and coughing. I think we are going for the time record here and I do not approve.

A few days ago both Waldo and his Mom started showing symptoms, luckily we know how bad it can get so they started taking things to shorten the illness’ life and what not. So far they both seem to be doing better the the rest of us did.

Snow Day

We haven’t had much snow here this winter and I’m surprised to say that I’m a bit sad, but I’m sad for Lil so it’s not so surprising. She had so much fun playing in the snow in Montana and she keeps asking me when we’re going to get to do it again that I just feel bad that we haven’t had a day or two more then we have had. So the last time she asked I told her that we’d drive up to the mountains and find her some snow. Waldo told her the same thing later that day or the next day so we figured we’d better really do this.

Waldo’s brother gave us an idea of a good place to go that was about 45 minutes away. We got as ready as we were going to get and we were off. The drive was closer to 90 minutes, but we got to Idaho City and just past the tiny town they have a whole hill and play area for sledding. I guess the people of Idaho City take their sledding pretty seriously, all 450 of them. There were port-a-potties and dogs, lots of dogs. A few people had set up camp fires and had chairs set up around them. We thought that was pretty weird, but I guess they probably thought we were the weird ones. In our canvas shoes and jeans, Waldo and I anyway. Lily had jeans and rain boots on. We figured out really quickly that we are city people, small cities, but cities non the less. We are not made for hanging out in the snow.

After finding a parking place and getting Lil’s jacket and all of our gloves on we surveyed the sledding area and decided on a area out past the majority of people because there was a very gradual hill there and we thought Lil would have more fun there. There was a reason that all of the seasoned sledders weren’t playing over there and we figured it out quickly. On our way to our chosen spot we wondered off of the trampled path for a bit and ended up in snow up to our knees. Once we worked our way the edge of the wonder-hill’s area it became so hard to walk, because just about every step your feet would break though the snow and you’d end up to your ankles if we were lucky, our knees if we were and then have to try to take another step. Even thought I know that snow had many different characteristics on any given day I always assume that it’s light and fluffy. Not this snow, it was too frozen, hard, it had sharp edges and wouldn’t stick together for anything. Lil really wanted to make a snow cat, but this snow would have none of that. When we finally got to wonder-hill Waldo loaded Lil on the sled and took her up the little incline and let her go.

Snow day 1/29/12

She loved it.

Snow day 1/29/12

They went up and down a dozen or so times and I took pictures.

Snow day 1/29/12

Snow day 1/29/12

Snow day 1/29/12

After a bit Waldo was tired of pulling his legs our of the snow and Lil was tried of being cold so we started the trek back to the car.

Snow day 1/29/12

Snow day 1/29/12

At this point Waldo realizes his jacket is still hanging out on a tree and I’m closer (but not by much) so I turn around and go back for it. This was so miserable. Every time my foot would break thought the snow I felt little razors on my leg and my shoe was full of ice, it just wasn’t fun. After I got back to him and gave him his jacket I took a look at my leg and it was bleeding a little bit from the sharp edges of the snow. Let me repeat myself, the sharp edges of the SNOW. I would have taken a picture, but I didn’t shave so I wouldn’t have shown it to anyone anyway.

Snow day 1/29/12

After trudging past the majority of sledders I offered Lil a little bit of free play in the snow before we left. She didn’t want to do that, but while she was thinking about it Waldo and I decided to give sledding another try at a spot where the snow looked shallower. It was a lie, it was just as deep, but we could get there from the parking lot a lot easier. So we let Lil have some more sledding time.

Snow day 1/29/12

Snow day 1/29/12

She didn’t even really mind falling off the sled.  She just got back on that horse sled and told Daddy to “do it again, but this time don’t fall me off.”

Snow day 1/29/12

Snow day 1/29/12

This was easily the best part of the day and made the whole thing worth our while. Lily had so much fun sledding and can’t wait to do it again.

Snow day 1/29/12

Snow day 1/29/12

Just to prove what city folk we truly are, none of us had extra socks when we got back to the car. The diaper bag, thankfully had extra pants and underwear for Lil, but somehow even that held no socks. We had to drive to the tiny local grocery store (if you can really call it that) and buy socks. Of course they had no kiddo socks so I had to buy her women’s socks and we called them tights. She didn’t fall for it and hated them, but they warmed her feet so she left them on. When we got home she told me to take them back to the store and when I told her we couldn’t and I would just use them she told me to take a picture of them. So I did.

Snow day 1/29/12

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