Last night when I laid Jake down in our bed so I could get some sleep he was asleep, but not super deeply. I laid him on his back and as I was moving slightly away from him he reached out and grabbed my arm. I looked over and he was still asleep, but had the biggest smile on his little sweet face. As he settled back to sleep holding my arm I looked over and told Waldo “Either he’s smiling because he’s all ‘I got you, you can’t get away from me’ or because he’s content having a hold of me”. Either way it’s adorable and he’s just so sweet.
Category Archives: Life
Rock and Roll
Tonight during tummy time Jake rolled over! He’s 15.5 weeks old.
He’s also teething.
He’s the coolest little man I know.
The other day Lil and I were sitting at the kitchen table and out of nowhere we have this conversation:
Lil “Mom when is that special day for you and Dad?”
Me “What special day”
After a moment of thought “The day when you and Dad decided to not just be friends anymore, but to be a family.”
Awe, I think that’s the perfect description for getting married. I love how her mind works.
These pictures don’t have anything to do with this conversation except that they are of Lil. I just wanted to add them.
Sometimes I look down into Jake’s little face and I swear he’s concentrating so hard. His little brows will be knitted and I can just see the gears working trying to figure something out. In the months and years to come I can’t wait to see if his personality is anything like I imagine him to be.
As of right this second I think he’s going to be a calm cuddly little boy how is trying to put all the puzzle pieces into place.
Happy 2 months Jakey.
Welcome to the world Jake
Jake Stephen Wiggins was born on 11-27-2014 Thanksgiving afternoon at 2:29. He weighed 6 lbs and was 19 inches long. He has a head full of what appears to be dark duck downy hair and I can’t keep my fingers off of it. He was born at 37 weeks 3 days gestation and because of that, things aren’t going the way that I had envisioned they would, but that will be a separate post. He is adorable and just the sweetest little thing.
Welcome to the world Jake, I can’t wait to see what you make of it.