Jake’s 1!!!!!

Okay so Jake turned 1 in November and I’m just now writing about it, so what? He’s still 1. And he’s wonderful.

I had wanted to do an airplane theme for his baby shower, but that didn’t work out so I did it for his first birthday. It turned out great and I’m so glad that it was for his birthday and not the shower. I made all the decorations except for some dangly whirly 1s. I spend a crap ton of nights cutting out airplanes and clouds. I strung some up so they dangled. Some I just slapped on walls. All of them were made with love. Lily made Jake a special birthday onesie and a sign.
Oh of course I made all the food too and that was awesome. I made him an angle food cake with whipped cream. I also made meringue cookies that I pipped to look sort of like clouds. I tried to keep to the airplane and cloud theme. I also made some rice crispy treats, because yum.

Jake's 1Jake's 1

Jake's 1Jake's 1

Jake's 1Jake's 1

Jake's 1Jake's 1

Jake's 1Jake's 1

Jake's 1Jake's 1

Jake's 1Jake's 1/ Lily and Laila at the party

It was funny when I trued to give him some cake. He really doesn’t like foods that aren’t pureed except his Mum Mums so when I put the cake on his tray he ignored it. I took a piece and offered it to him and he did what he always does when he’s not interested in something. He squinched his eyes closed and turned his head to the side. Silly boy. He did eat a tiny bite or two of ice cream, but not much.

Easter 2014

Lily and I did a few crafts leading up to Easter, but somehow couldn’t find any of them. Honestly I didn’t work to hard to find them because I figured this post would be picture heavy enough without them. So we’ll start with pictures of painting eggs.

Since we’re moving back to Montana (oh yeah, that’s happening and I’ll try to post about it at some point) I figured I’d get Papa in on our last Easter with him. He was a great sport and joined right in.

For this next egg (which is wooden) I used my trusty glue gun to put 3 flowers on it. I wasn’t sure it would do any good or make any kind of difference, but it turned out really nicely.

Like I said Papa really got into painting the eggs. I wish he’d have done this one on a wooden egg, but at least I got pictures.

Papa’s eggs.

Daddy’s eggs.

I spent so much time handing out eggs and taking pictures that I only painted one egg.

I found some of those egg wraps like I used when I was little and bought them on a whim to see if they worked better or worse than I remember.

To my amazement it worked better. Yay.

On to Easter.

Lily is all about cowgirls right now thanks to Sheriff Callie. We saw these boots on clearance at Target and Lily just had to have them.

We were waiting for Daddy to get downstairs so Lily can go a’ hunting.

This series of pictures just kills me. For some reason Lil sitting on the counter, she just looks so darn big. I don’t know when or how that happened. I certainly didn’t authorize it.

Yay, we finally got outside. This is Lily going through her basket.


3 generations on Easter


I love this crab apple tree in the backyard.

It’s so bright and beautiful.

Papa didn’t get home until the egg hunt was almost over so Lily hid eggs for him. He was again such a good sport and searched out all the eggs.

When Papa was done hunting for eggs we went inside and Lily opened her treasure eggs.

After we were done messing around with eggs we decided to go to a local school so Waldo and Lily could launch the rockets they have been building for the last week or so.

For some unknown reason the rockets didn’t work. So Lily got to play on the playground.

Random Mobile Shots

My newest kick is making yogurt. I found a nice yogurt maker at a thrift store and my obsession started.
Since we don’t give Lil cow’s milk I started out making rice milk yogurt, that didn’t work so well. Next I tried almond milk yogurt, sill nope. So we decided to try cow’s milk. I mean we give her regular milk yogurt all the time, I just thought it’d be nice to cut out that one last bit of cow’s milk. I can’t be upset about this cool milk container though.

Here’s the milk cooling in the water bath.

The yogurt is still in the maker so I have no idea if it’s going to work or not.

Even though I posted a video of Lil enjoying her french toast I had to include this picture.

We made valentine’s day cookies this week.

Lil insisted that we have lips for valentine’s day. In order to get the lips I had to buy a set with a mustache and glasses. Lil loved them.

The Valentine Princess is busy at work icing cookies.

All the best Valentine Princesses have bunny tails.

Some of our finished cookies.

Waldo wanted a mustache cookie, I traded him for a picture. We decided that he’d make a great cartoon villain. 🙂

It’s Christmas card time again

I might have said this before, but for most of my life I couldn’t have cared less about holidays. Easter, 4th of July, Thanksgiving and yes even Christmas didn’t get much acknowledgment from me. I would tell people “Happy insert holiday here”, but I didn’t decorate much or really go out of my way to celebrate. When people would ask about my apathy I would tell them that when I had kids I’d care, but for now I just don’t have it in me to give a crap.  And you know what? I was right. Now I’m all about making the holidays great for Lil.

We paint eggs and do the whole hide and hunt thing for Easter. We make little turkeys out of toilet paper tubes and say what we’re grateful for on Thanksgiving. And then there’s Christmas. We hang lights and decorate the trees and we put little nick nacks around the house and I take tons and tons of pictures. Some of the pictures are just for fun, but some of them are for our Holiday Card. I love the beautiful colorful picture cards and we’ve done one each year of Lil’s life. Well not the first year when she was only 3 days old on Christmas, but every year since and it’s one of my favorite things.  We put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving, it was in my opinion a much better way to spend black Friday, but to each their own. While doing the tree and then after it was complete I took pictures and some of them I just love and may have already found our card picture.

This year I’m loving all the cards from Minted. There are so many to choose from that I don’t know how I’m going to narrow it down, but it’s going to be a fun task.

Traditionally I’ve gone for cards with multiple pictures, I like being able to really show Lily off. This year however I think I’m just going to find a card with one picture and really showcase that one great shot.  I guess we’ll see how it goes since in the end it’s really all about the card that speaks most to me.

Some of my current favorites are:

I love that it’s a ornament.  It’s just precious.

With this one you can change the edge shape (awesome) and the color combination.

Oh, I just realized that you can change the edge shape on almost all of the cards. What a great feature.

What a cute card for newlyweds. I love it and wish Waldo and I had done something like this when we first got married.

I love this design for multiple pictures.

There’s just something about the light strand that does it for me.

If you get a card from me don’t be surprised if you see one of these designs in your mailbox. Oh and by the way it will probably arrive sometime in January because that’s just how I do things.

*Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post for Minted.com; however, all thoughts and opinions are my own.

Easter 2013

It’s so far past Easter at this point, I could kick myself because I don’t remember half the things I was going to say.  I’m actually working on a bunch of posts like this and it’s driving me crazy. Oh well, maybe some day I’ll learn how to post in a timely-er manner.

Lily mentioned making a bunny hat once so I figured this was the perfect time to do that. I drew the lines for the ears and she cut them out perfectly, I was so damn impressed.  After she cut them out she colored the inside of the ears and then glued cotton balls to it. After the glue dried I realized that the ears were way to heavy to stand up on on Lil’s head so I cut strips of poster board and glued them to the back. Then we glued the ears to the headband.

Easter bunny ear hat

Lil loved these ears. She wore them around for days.

Easter bunny ear hat

For the last few years I’ve been having Lil paint wooden eggs so that I can keep them. I think the pack I bought has a dozen eggs in it, that’s way more than I meant to do each year. Oh well.

painting wooden easter eggs

painting wooden easter eggs

painting wooden easter eggs

I know that traditionally Easter eggs are dyed with that crazy little dye pellets, but I hated it the time that we tried it. Lil thought it was incredibly boring and not fun. So we always paint our eggs.

Easter 2013

This year I decided to try and figure out how to keep the eggs from rolling around and messing up Lil’s paint. I cut up a couple of empty paper towel tubes. This is the best thing ever, you’re welcome.

Easter 2013

Easter 2013

Easter 2013

Waldo mentioned that it would be good if we had something that would spin the eggs so Lil didn’t have to keep touching them. I run up the stairs and grabbed a lazy susan from my craft stash and spin art eggs were born.

Easter 2013

Easter 2013

Waldo, Lily and I painted 2 dozen eggs, a few of them didn’t survive the whole process. I also bought about 3 dozen plastic eggs. I didn’t hide all the plastic eggs, but I’m pretty sure I hid at least 4 dozen eggs.

This wasn’t the dress I bought for Lil to wear for Easter, but it was what she wanted to wear so whatever.

Easter 2013

Lily with her new Easter Hello Kitty.

Easter 2013

This was Waldo’s egg. I was very impressed.

Easter 2013

Easter 2013

I think I emptied her bucked at least twice because all the eggs wouldn’t fit.

Easter 2013

Easter 2013

Easter 2013

Easter 2013

A few months before Easter Lil and I were talking about hunting eggs and she mentioned how some of the eggs would have TREASURE in them. After talking to her for a while and trying to figure out what on earth she was talking about and where she learned about treasure eggs I got a little info, I never found out where she heard about them. But treasure eggs apparently have beads and things like that in them. I never had any intention of giving Lil easter gifts, but she was so set on this treasure egg thing that I couldn’t let her down.

Easter 2013

We went to Target and I grabbed a huge amount of little inexpensive treasures. Bead necklaces, tiny animals (squinkies or something like that), a ring that lights up and blinks and a few other little things.

Easter 2013

Easter 2013

Easter 2013

Easter 2013

I hope you enjoyed my very late Easter post. I’m sure I missed some really important things I wanted to say, but this at least got my pictures and a few thoughts in order.

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