Mommy Melee started Girl Talk Thursday. Go show her some love and check out Mr. Linky. This week we are talking about lingerie.

In all honesty I don’t own much lingerie. I have a corset but I’ve never worn it. I feel silly in it. I know that sound weird and I’m not a prude but I feel weird in it. I guess it because I’m a plump girl and I have some body image issues but those are usually few and far between.
Another reason I don’t own much lingerie is because Waldo doesn’t care about it. I usually sleep in yoga pants and no top. Its much easier to nurse Lily laying down topless and I don’t leak (never have) so I don’t need to sleep with breast pads. Although even before Lily I slept dressed just like this, I like the skin to skin contact when we snuggle and a shirt just gets in the way. 🙂
I did a search for fun and these were my favs.
***** edited because my pictures vanished. Boo*****