Halloween 2010 – The Patch

This past Saturday which I guess would be Halloween-Eve we took Lily to this really cool looking Pumpkin Patch. She had a great time walking around and climbing on all the pumpkins. I don’t know what about the big orange pumpkins screamed crawl over me, but Lily sure thought so.


They also make great seats.

Lily loved climbing on and sitting on the pumpinks

Lily let us put her on top of the hay wall by a really cute little pumpkin and a scarecrow. I thought it would make a great picture and it sort of did, I think the light is a little off or something. Anyway, she wanted down RIGHT AWAY.

"Pempen" patch cutie

"Pempen" patch cutie

Lily was determined to move the wheelbarrow. I don’t know where she thought it needed to go but she was going to get it there.

"Pempen" patch cutie

I realized a while ago that I’m in very few pictures with Lily so I’m trying to get better about giving the camera to Waldo.

Lily and Me

I got a couple good ones of them, this one is my favorite. And did you notice, more pumpkin sitting?

Lily and Daddy at the "Pempen" patch.

On the way out Lily need to investigate the hay wall and the pumpkins.

Lily: Hey Mama, I’m pretty sure something great is going on over there.

Me: Oh yeah? What do you think it is Baby Girl?

Going up

L: I’m not sure, but I’m going to use these great orange step stools to find out.

M: Just be careful.

and Up

L: Almost there.

Almost there

L: Just a little further

"hey what's going on over there?"

M: What do you see?

L: Nothing, I’m too short!

Oh hai Mom

*Don’t you love how us blogger Mom’s will let their kid do something semi dangerous to get the good pictures? LOL!

Happy Halloween!
"Pempen" patch cutie

My Little Yo Gabba Gabba Addict

From the time that I was pregnant I had planned to limit Lily’s TV time and we did a pretty good job of it… until now.  We had showed Lily some clips from Yo Gabba Gabba a  few times over the last six months or so and she really showed no interest.  Then a few weeks ago Waldo turned on a episode on the living room tv and I think Lily finally saw all the dancing and now she’s head over heals addicted.  We didn’t know how strong the addiction was until later in the day when she came up to me and pointed to my computer and said “Dabba Dabba”.  I was shocked!  Now she asks for it on the TV, our computers and our phones all the time.  Sometimes we give in, sometimes we don’t.

The first I had heard of YGG was a clip I saw on Whoorl and I thought it was crazy.

I showed it to Waldo and he loved it. It is so colorful and good natured and old school that he knew he wanted to share it with Lily. After I saw another episode I knew I loved it too. I even saw a episode where they were telling kids not to eat things off the ground, I mean really, I am forever saying “we don’t eat floor food”, there is no three second rule in our house.

Each episode is full of good kid friendly lessons, dancing and music and sometimes really cool bands and actors.

Lily is in good company when it comes to her YGG addiction. I know that Gretchen, Maia and Em are also hug fans.

MckLinky Blog Hop- 7-14-09

I keep seeing this MckLinky logo around but didn’t take time to find out what it was all about till this week. It’s pretty cool. Since Mr. Linky is buggy lately this seems like a great replacement and improvement. Rather then have to track down blogs to add your link to like with Mr. Linky you write your post (and they are themed which I like) and link it to the MckLinky site. This week the theme is THREE THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT ME

MckLinky Blog Hop

Hhhmmm I feel like I’m a pretty open book so I’m going to have to strain to come up with a measly three things.

1. In high school I worked in a very high end jewelry store. My Grandma worked there just about all my life and taught me how to string pearl necklaces. It was tedious work, but I loved it. I have pretty much worked nonstop since I was 15 years old. When Lily was first born and I was new to this whole stay at home Mom thing I felt sort of lazy and weird to not be “working”, I no longer feel that way. I work darn hard taking care of Lily.

2. I spent every Wednesday night at my Grandparents house up until high school and then sometimes even after. We were/are very close and I miss them and the rest of my family. This closeness is one reason I waited till I was 32 to have a baby. I now live 1500 miles away and I hate that Lily won’t have that closeness to family that I did growing up. But there is no way in hell I’m moving back to California, just no way. I guess this could have been two things but I’m still going to add a third official thing.

3. I’m a pack rat and lazy but mostly about mail. This adds up to a very messy computer desk. I always have mail stacked up under my monitor stand and on top of my tower. I pay everything online so I don’t know why I have so much dang mail anyway, but I do. Every so often I’ll stack all the mail up and toss some of it but put the rest in a box or a drawer till its so old that I know I won’t need it ever again and then toss it. Its such a waste of time and space, I really need to get better organized. By the way I’m lazy in general, not just about mail. 🙂

4. Because I want to throw this in, I’m obsessed with pictures of my beautiful girl. I really want to take better pictures so if anyone has any suggestions or knows of good websites I’m all ears and eyes. I can’t afford a great new camera so I’m stuck with what I have for now which is a Sony cyber-shot. It works pretty well but its no DSLR or anything. So because of this obsession here’s another picture or two of Lily.

29 weeks old


sleepy girl

My Baby’s Mind Monday – 06-22-2009

My friend Tatiana over at It was a Very Good Year started this meme. Each Monday you look inside your baby’s mind and let us know what you find. Be sure to go show her some love.

This is the picture that inspired me this week.

Hi Mama,

I am really starting to like this bouncer thing you bought me.  It has lots of fun things to put in my mouth, but sometimes they go in too far and I don’t like that.  I finally figured out how to turn myself so I can play with the stuff on the other side, I really like that.  I appreciate that you always cheer for me when I make the music start, its funny.

I really like it when you or Daddy sit with me while I play.  Daddy makes the funniest voices.

Sometimes you could put the camera down though.  And the second that you do I’m going to make the cutest face EVER! You almost missed this picture but I figured I’d give you one today.


Princess Pickle Pants

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