This is really late in coming, but I need to finish it. Part 2 of our last trip to Montana.

Lily continues draw her way across the country. She drew this for Becky.

We went by the Credit Union to say Hi to my friends and Lily decorated Waldo with their toys.

There was more Kinect Party at Anthony’s house.
We went and had dinner at our friends house. Anne and Dave. They have three very sweet girls, 14, 7 and 1. Lily had a great time playing with Allie their 4 year old and Waldo and I had a blast with Anne and Dave. Somehow I managed to not take any pictures of this event and I’m still kicking myself for it. Waldo even mentioned at one point to Dave he was sure I would be taking a complete ridiculous amount of pictures. Major fail.

On the way back to Gil’s from Anne and Dave’s we saw some wild turkeys. I took a fricking picture of the turkeys. Kids having fun – No, turkeys – Yes. I told you, fail.

In the tradition of last year we went to the park to feed ducks. Jack was suppose to go with us, but he ended up having something to do.

I took the opportunity to take some cute pictures of Lily.

That evening we went to a party with some old friends and some internet friends that we met for the first time. It was a little odd, but mostly fun.

We had to have breakfast at The Buffalo Cafe again.

The main reason we went to Montana was to go to our company picnic. Lily loved our boss’s dogs.

Lily lucked out when we visited our friend Jesse and Sheila. They gave Lily a few of their daughter’s old toys.

Saying goodbye to Becky sucked.

Don’t let her look fool you, she’s having a blast on that horse.
Driving home was uneventful, but so much fun because we always have fun on road trips together.