I’m working on a post about this last minute trip to California we took two weeks ago. Until that is done here’s a quick video of Lily, myself and Olivia (Lil’s cousin).
Category Archives: Friends and family
Brooke’s 1st birthday
At the end of May Waldo’s brother’s daughter turned 1. I took something like 320 pictures.
Lily thinks her little cousin is pretty neat.
After cake and yummy homemade ice cream we went out back and Lily played with Brooke’s older brothers Brock (4) and Bryce (3).
Random Mobile Shots
When we got back from California I noticed almost all of my garlic had sprouted Scapes.
I cut most of them off because I’ve read that you do that so all the plants energy goes to growing bigger bulbs.
Now I’ve just got to figure out how to eat them.
Lily thought it sounded fun to put this sticker on her face.
Chef Lil
Lily’s buddies are set up for a picnic or eating at a restaurant. I can’t remember which.
My sister Jolene and her daughter Olivia at Olivia’s preschool graduation.
My Dad and Olivia at her graduation.
The graduate herself.
This picture is of my Grandparents; my Dad’s parents, my newborn sisters and myself. My Grandpa; Papaw passed away when I was in 7th grade. Mamaw passed away two weeks ago and she’s the reason we were in California last week.
We miss you both.
My Pop rocking out
My Pop (Grandpa for those of you not in the know) has a way with stringed instruments. All my life he’s loved to get together with his buddies and do some serious Pickin’ and Grinnin’. For the last few years he gets together with some of those buddies and they play every Friday night. My cousin Bobi was visiting last week and went to listen to the Pickin’ and gave me the ok to post these. Pop’s on the right playing his mandolin. He also plays the fiddle and some guitar. I think he can play just about any stringed instrument, but the mandolin and fiddle are his favorites.
Random pictures from the zoo
Last August Waldo’s sister Christy and her son Jude visited. We were going to go to the zoo, but it was so crowded we couldn’t find a place to park. We decided to just play in the park right outside the zoo and feed the geese the popcorn we brought for them. Then we went to the aquarium.
I’m done.
Not me.
Oh wait, me too.