This is the middle right square of Lily’s special quilt. I believe Rita told me that all the grandkid’s quilts share a few features and this boy is one of them.
Category Archives: Friends and family
You are the apple of our eye
This is the upper right corner of Lily special quilt. Grandma Rita (Waldo’s Mom) made it for Lily. She makes one for each grandchild and they are amazing. Rita puts so much love into every little detail, you can feel the love pour off in waves as you try to take it all in.
This is the first in the quilt series. I’ll continue this on Tuesday and Thursday of the next couple of weeks.
Thanksgiving 2009
This was Lily first Thanksgiving and it was so nice and low key. We don’t live near any family and most of our friends had family things to do so it was just Waldo, Lily, our friend Jack and myself. Because there were so few of us and it saved money we decided to make chicken parmesan instead of turkey. When we were planning our menu we had decided that my chicken parm is so rich and cheesy that it didn’t need sides, while I was making dinner though Waldo decided it needed something. He made a boxed noodle dish, I didn’t need the noodles the chicken parm was enough for me.
I made a coconut cream pie because it’s Waldo’s favorite. I use a tweaked recipe I got off of and Waldo loves it. I’m not a huge fan of coconut flakes so I take his word for it. I made the same pie last year but it never set up so I let the custard boil a little longer this year and that made all the difference in the world.
I also made some Chocolate Cover Snow Peaks. Mine didn’t get perfectly dried out but we all thought they were great and I liked that it was nice to have something different from our traditional desserts. Oh and in an effort to keep things real my snow peaks didn’t turn out anywhere as nicely formed as Tyler Florence’s. I’ve really got to work on my pipping skills. While I was googling other meringue recipes I got some inspiration for Lily’s first birthday party. I’m thinking meringue snowmen with chocolate piped eyes and meringue buttons with a chocolate 1 on them.
I was so busy cooking and having fun that I didn’t take any pictures. I have plenty of leftovers but now I’m to tired take pictures of food.
We did take a few pictures of Lily before Jack got here and I started cooking.
I am so thankful for my loving husband and our beautiful healthy daughter. I’ve very thankful to Waldo for working so hard so that I’m able to stay home with Lil, money may be tight but it is so worth it. I’m thankful for so much more too but I’ve got a kitchen to clean.
I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving.
To my sisters
Jolene and Jody,
I wanted to wish you a Happy 30th Birthday!!!
I seriously can’t believe that you are 30, when I moved away you were 17 and that’s how I remember you both. I know that seems silly since I’ve seen one or both of you almost every year since then but that’s how it is. You are my baby sisters and always will be.
I couldn’t be more proud of you guys. You both have beautiful babies, and pretty great guys. You have both grown up to be fantastic women and I’m happy that you are my friends as well as my sisters.
Who would have guessed I would have felt this way when we were little? Its not easy being the older sister of twins, its probably not easy being the older sister period, but I say twins are especially bad. First off there is the fact that I was pretty much only known as “The twins’ sister” no one ever knew my name, I guess they didn’t know theirs either or I would have been Jolene and Jody’s sister. Then there was the incredible teamwork that twins have. They ganged up on me so seamlessly as we were growing up it was unbelievable. One knew just what the other wanted her to do (to me) without speaking. There were some serious all out wars; screaming, biting and pinching. How else was I suppose to protect myself?
I didn’t know it at the time but I was so jealous of the bond that you two share. We all have almost always been close but you two are so much closer. As it should be.
I’m sorry that I’m not there to celebrate with you in person, but know that I’m there in spirit. I’m really sorry that I didn’t get your cards sent out in time, I hope this makes up for it.
I love you two! Have a very happy 30th birthday.
****Sorry about the bad pictures, most were scanned and I couldn’t do much to fix them.
Little Man’s in the house
Conrad Elliott came blazing into this world Thursday night July 30, 2009 which just happens to be his Mother’s 21 birthday. What a perfect birthday present.
Conrad’s proud parents are our good friends Anthony and Maggie. We’ve been friends with Anthony for years and have seen him through some very good times and very bad times as you so often do with chosen family. I am so please to say this is the happiest if not most tired I’ve ever seen him.
Conrad is a big boy weighing in at 9 lbs 2 oz. Maggie was a champ and pushed him out in only 20 minutes. He is 21 1/2 long and has lots of hair just like his parents.
Maggie I have a few bits of advice for you, you know since I’ve a veteran and all.
Let Anthony help and take his opinions to heart. That was one of the hardest things for me. Waldo wants to be a part of every decision when it comes to Lily but I think I know it all, so I had to learn to compromise and sometimes be very persuasive so I still get my way.
Enjoy every minute. I know you’ve heard it before but its so true. They grow up so fast. I still can’t believe Lily’s 7 months old.
Sleep when Conrad sleeps, at least at first.
Most importantly Conrad is your baby so listen to that amazing Mother’s instinct and ignore everyone else, including your Mom and people like me. But listen to me because you know I know it all. Lol.
Congrats you guys!
I have to include a few more pictures because I never know when to stop.
Look at those legs, edible.
I made Maggie unwrap him so I could finally see a chubby baby.
Remember I’m here if you need anything.