A few weeks ago I found a pin on Pinterest about playing veterinarian during pretend play and since we had just been to the Vet twice in the last few months I thought Lil would enjoy it.
I wrote out a checklist and put it through my laminator (I love a good excuse to use that little thing) and made a stethoscope out of pipe cleaner and walked Lil through the whole thing. She enjoyed it, but I didn’t think she really cared about anything but writing on the checklist. The next time we were out thrifting I found a little doctor set that included a stethoscope and grabbed it up. Today Lil begged me to play Vet. I was so happy. I grabbed the checklist (so glad I saved it) and the doctor stuff from the toy shelf. Lil grabbed Clifford and we went to work on him.
We went through all of the items on the list I made and then Lil came up with a whole list of her own. Most of her items involved Clifford stinking.
Then it came time to make him better, so I kept asking Lil what she suggested. For his bad fur she brought him plates of new food.
She used the reflex tester for a eye dropper to fix his stinky eyes.
His tail got stuck in a bucket, because you know it was stinky too.
His ears stunk so Daddy gave her the funnel and bowl to pour medicine in.
The blanket covering him is to make his back better and the funnel/bowl medicine didn’t work for the stinky ears so now she’s trying the toy tweezers.
In the end Clifford is going to be healthy soon and he was a very good patient according to Dr. Lily Bean.
I’m playing along with Nanette from Say it, don’t spray it and her Pinteractive linkup.