I’m working on a post about this last minute trip to California we took two weeks ago. Until that is done here’s a quick video of Lily, myself and Olivia (Lil’s cousin).
Author Archives: Christy
Random Mobile Shots
I’m not sure what’s going on with this garlic, but I thought it was neat and can’t wait to see what happens when it gets bigger.
This little toy flower stool is suppose to hold one little guy in the middle. Lil felt very cleaver when she added the second and it looked like they were kissing.
I gave Lil some ice cream for a after lunch treat the other day. I put a mini reece’s cup in it and she thought that was the absolute best thing ever. I gave her a little more ice cream a few days later and she insisted on the reece’s cup for it too. It’s the only way to eat ice cream now I guess.
I decided to roast my garlic scapes from last week. They turned out really yummy.
Brooke’s 1st birthday
At the end of May Waldo’s brother’s daughter turned 1. I took something like 320 pictures.
Lily thinks her little cousin is pretty neat.
After cake and yummy homemade ice cream we went out back and Lily played with Brooke’s older brothers Brock (4) and Bryce (3).
Random Mobile Shots
When we got back from California I noticed almost all of my garlic had sprouted Scapes.
I cut most of them off because I’ve read that you do that so all the plants energy goes to growing bigger bulbs.
Now I’ve just got to figure out how to eat them.
Lily thought it sounded fun to put this sticker on her face.
Chef Lil
Lily’s buddies are set up for a picnic or eating at a restaurant. I can’t remember which.
My sister Jolene and her daughter Olivia at Olivia’s preschool graduation.
My Dad and Olivia at her graduation.
The graduate herself.
This picture is of my Grandparents; my Dad’s parents, my newborn sisters and myself. My Grandpa; Papaw passed away when I was in 7th grade. Mamaw passed away two weeks ago and she’s the reason we were in California last week.
We miss you both.
Boise Botanical Garden
A few weeks ago we decided to go to the Boise Botanical Garden before going to the zoo. Our season pass is was almost up and we wanted to get one more trip in before we had to pay again. I didn’t go into this planning to take a ton of pictures, but by the end of our 90 minutes or so there I’d taken almost 300 pictures. I just love the Botanical Garden, it’s so beautiful and peaceful. Not a lot of the flowers were blooming yet, but it was still very lush and there were enough flowers to make me happy.
We saw a little snake while looking in the rose garden. It was tiny and wanted to have nothing to do with us.