In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that we take it easy and look forward to the weekend. So Kailani thought that on Fridays she would take it easy on posting, too. I like the idea, therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response.
Where would you/are you going on you next vacation?
I would like to go back to my hometown and see my family so they can meet Lily. Waldo used his vacation for this year when I had her so we don’t get to go on vacation till next year.

We’re going to Connecticut to visit family on our next vacation. I REALLY want to head out to the Vancouver area to visit friends soon though.
Have no plans until next Christmas, when we’ll be carting two infant twins over to my mother’s house. That’s an eight hour transatlantic flight. GOOD TIMES.
Jersey Shore like every year. I’d prefer Hawaii or Puerto Rico though LOL
I think we are bound for Disney or Legoland this summer. My son is 6 and he has not been yet to Disney. He has been asking for some time and during Spring Break one of his friends just went to Disney. So the pressure is on…-)
We are going on a camping trip the forth of July weekend.
I would like to go back and visit a place I once lived. There are many people I would enjoy seeing again.
Illinois I have a wedding to go to in June, that will be my vacation I am sure
Hopefully we well be going on a vacation next year.
I’m going to Hawaii to visit my grandma for her 90th birthday.