A few days ago I was sitting on my bed reading while Lily was getting dressed. Lil looked at me and said, “Mama your face looks sad, are you reading a sad book AGAIN?” I told her that my book was a little sad, but I’d be ok. She walks over to me and hooks her arm around my shoulder and says “I’ll give you some love so you will feel better”. I kissed her cheek and told her “Thank you, I already feel better”. She scolded me and said “I’m giving YOU love, you don’t give me love, just take mine.”
I scooper her up into my lap and hugged her for a few minutes. While I did this she kissed me all over my face. I told her “I don’t know how I got so lucky with you”. She kissed me again and asked if I had gotten enough Love yet, I told her no and continued to hug her a little longer. God I love this kid.