When I’m laying in bed at night I have blog posts writing in my head while I try to go to sleep. When I am sitting in the car I have stories on an endless loop in my head. When I’m cooking dinner I have ideas a plenty. But when I sit down in front of my keyboard I have nothing to say. I just stare blankly at my screen and the little blinking cursor. I know I have a lot to talk about but I just can’t seem to get it out my fingers. I have a ton of cute pictures to share but they aren’t uploaded yet and I just know that the second I start something Lily is going to wake up/want to nurse/ want to eat and it seems to daunting to even start.
I need to keep a note pad with me at all times to keep track of all these great ideas. Hey maybe I could find an app for my phone that would be useful for this. I think my phone might make a good post so I’m off to find some more apps.