The last of the original posts.
Originally posted:6/15/08
Week 9
Hello Fetus!! The week the baby goes from being an embryo to a fetus. My how time flies. Now she/he is the size of a grape and has all the major organs. The head is now taking on much more human baby-like proportions. And muscles are starting to form, pretty soon the kicking begins. If I’m lucky when I go to the doctor on Wednesday we’ll be able to hear the heart. I really really hope so. It would be so cool.
I’m still feeling pretty good. A little nausea here and there, but overall not too sick. Oh but I’m tried, always so very tired. All the manufacturing that’s going on is taking a toll on me. It’ll be worth it in the end, but right now I’m having a hard time making it through the day.
And some good news my spotting has pretty much stopped all together. I spotted a little for like 2 days about a week and a half ago, but I really overdid it at work. I have had no spotting since then and I’m going to have a talk with my supervisor hopefully tomorrow that I just can’t keep up this crazy pace. Its not good for me. We’ll see how that goes.