Originally posted: 6/1/08
7 weeks
On May 28th I went for my early ultrasound. It was so cool. I got to see that there is only 1 baby in there and its all on schedule. The little heart was beating at 122/minute which is perfect and was so amazing to see, I can’t even explain it.
As of today I’m 7 weeks along. Which means that baby is about the size of a blueberry. Her/His mouth and tongue are forming this week and so are his/her arm and leg buds. Hands and feet are forming off of those limb buds. The baby has kidneys, an appendix and both hemispheres of the brain are growing.
I feel fine, still no real morning sickness. Well I have tossed my breakfast once, but that isn’t too bad. But I am OMG so very tired. I could sleep all day.