This one is one of my favs. And the main reason that I want to continue blogging.
Originally posted:5/22/08
I’m Back and have big news
I’m back from our wonderful vacation/honeymoon and I do feel better, but that is bound to come and go as I found out that I’m pregnant last week! Waldo and I couldn’t be happier. We have been trying for about 3 months and the timing of finding out couldn’t have been better. I took the test in his parent’s bathroom. We got to tell almost all of our family in person and got to see the reaction and got hugs. It was so much better then telling them on the phone.
I’m about 6 weeks along and due January 16, 2009. According to What to Expect when you’re expecting (Thanks again Katie) the babies heart is beating about 80 times per minute and getting stronger every day.
So far I’ve only had a little nausea and my boobs are a little sore. This is great news and crappy all at the same time. Of course its great that I haven’t felt really sick or threw up, but it also scares me because I don’t “feel very pregnant”. But I’ve been to the doctor and she confirmed there is a bun in my oven and I go back tomorrow for my first OB appointment.
Life is getting interesting.