3 months old
You are growing up so fast I can’t believe it. Please slow down. 😉
The biggest change this month is that you love to stand up, with support of course. Your head stays up a lot but you are still a bobble head. Its very cute. You have much longer periods of being awake now and you don’t have to always be nursing now. Don’t get me wrong you still nurse a lot and I love it. You’ve also started drooling. It seems like most of the drooling occures in the afternoon and evening. I don’t know what to make of it.
You still amaze me every day and I’m so glad I get to be your Mom.
I love you,

I can't get enough of this face

she’s adorable!!
Thank you!
So sweet!! Love that adorable face! Those cheeeeeeks!!!
Her cheeks kill me, I could eat them up.