This last one is from her 5 month birthday.
I won a personalized growth chart from A Psych Mommy and got it just in time to start using it at her 5 month point. As you can see we have a little way to go before I can start marking her height on it. π

Look at that pretty, pretty girl!! Five months already! Time really does fly by too quickly!
Yeah! You picked the growth chart π She almost reaches the bottom! BTW–I think my son has a crush on Lily–when I visit your blog, he always stares at her pics and will fuss when I scroll down and her pic goes away!
What a “Sweetheart”… I love you Lily xoxoxo from Grandma Gail
So cute! She has gorgeous eyes. Time really does go too quickly…I can’t believe my son is 14 months old today!