So Lily did some ballet

In February (I know, I’m so behind) Lily had her last ballet classes from her second attempt at dance class.  She loved it so much. It was just 3 other girls, two were sisters and the third was the daughter of the teacher.  Lily really worked at listening and participating, she’s a little uncoordinated (my fault I’m sure), but she was getting there.  I was never able to leave the room though. I tried a few times and it resulted in major meltdowns. Oh well. I’ll try again next time.

Lily at ballet

Lily at ballet
Lily was the first girl to master levitation.

Lily at ballet

I love how Lily does her ‘rockstar walk’, it cracks me up.

These next pictures are from the last class. They call it a recital, but really they just have the normal class and all the parents watch. The girls do a little dance they have been practicing at the end, but that lasted all of 2 minutes.

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily's last ballet class

Lily the love bug

A few days ago I was sitting on my bed reading while Lily was getting dressed. Lil looked at me and said, “Mama your face looks sad, are you reading a sad book AGAIN?” I told her that my book was a little sad, but I’d be ok. She walks over to me and hooks her arm around my shoulder and says “I’ll give you some love so you will feel better”. I kissed her cheek and told her “Thank you, I already feel better”. She scolded me and said “I’m giving YOU love, you don’t give me love, just take mine.”

I scooper her up into my lap and hugged her for a few minutes. While I did this she kissed me all over my face. I told her “I don’t know how I got so lucky with you”. She kissed me again and asked if I had gotten enough Love yet, I told her no and continued to hug her a little longer.  God I love this kid.

Random pictures from the zoo

Boise Zoo May 5, 2013

Baby Geese

Boise zoo 5-5-13

Boise zoo 5-5-13

They were everywhere and totally adorable.

Boise zoo 5-5-13

Boise zoo 5-5-13

Lily rode the carousal 3 times this trip, usually we limit it to 2 because that’s all we can take. I don’t know how Waldo and I survived because I swear the carousal was set to warp speed. Waldo took two turns and I did the last. I was dizzy just from watching his two turns. I had to keep my eyes closed through most of my turn.

Boise zoo 5-5-13

Boise zoo 5-5-13

Boise zoo 5-5-13

Boise zoo 5-5-13

Boise zoo 5-5-13

Hey you gonna buy some food for me?

Boise zoo 5-5-13


Boise zoo 5-5-13

And then Lily studiously avoided that poor goat.

Boise zoo 5-5-13

Boise zoo 5-5-13

And I forgot again to buy popcorn kernels so back to the geese with more high quality organic whole wheat bread.

Boise zoo 5-5-13

Boise zoo 5-5-13