Random Mobile Shots

Two garlics growing together
I’m not sure what’s going on with this garlic, but I thought it was neat and can’t wait to see what happens when it gets bigger.

Lily's little guys
This little toy flower stool is suppose to hold one little guy in the middle. Lil felt very cleaver when she added the second and it looked like they were kissing.

Lily enjoying her ice cream
I gave Lil some ice cream for a after lunch treat the other day. I put a mini reece’s cup in it and she thought that was the absolute best thing ever. I gave her a little more ice cream a few days later and she insisted on the reece’s cup for it too. It’s the only way to eat ice cream now I guess.

Lily enjoying her ice cream

Roasted garlic scapes
I decided to roast my garlic scapes from last week. They turned out really yummy.

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