Random pictures from the zoo

Last August Waldo’s sister Christy and her son Jude visited. We were going to go to the zoo, but it was so crowded we couldn’t find a place to park. We decided to just play in the park right outside the zoo and feed the geese the popcorn we brought for them. Then we went to the aquarium.

Zoo Park 8/9/12

Zoo Park 8/9/12

Zoo Park 8/9/12


Zoo Park 8/9/12

Zoo Park 8/9/12

I’m done.

Zoo Park 8/9/12

Not me.

Zoo Park 8/9/12

Zoo Park 8/9/12

Oh wait, me too.

Zoo Park 8/9/12

Random pictures from the zoo

Like I said in my totally awesome nautilus post, we have been going to the zoo a lot lately.  I thought rather than make a post about each one (because even I know that would get really boring) I would lump some of my favorite pictures here instead.  Enjoy!

These pictures are actually from last July. I’m going to try and do a few of these zoo posts over the next few weeks to get caught up.

Zoo Boise 7-29-12

Zoo Boise 7-29-12

Lil is so over me taking pictures of her. When I ask her to smile for me or at least not growl I get something like this.

Zoo Boise 7-29-12

She said that the penguin was singing.

Zoo Boise 7-29-12

Zoo Boise 7-29-12

She’s pretty much obsessed with this African musical instrument.

Zoo Boise 7-29-12

Zoo Boise 7-29-12

Zoo Boise 7/15/12

Random Mobile Shots

Lily and I made some bath fizzies. I have made them in the past and they never turned out good, these turned out great.

We made bath fizzies

We made bath fizzies

My little paparazzi


Lily was so proud of herself for giving Soft (the purple bunny) a bunny buddy.

The bunny has a bunny

Lily with her bunnies

Lily and her Papa.


We were visiting someone at the hospital and looked out their window and saw this. Totally random and cute.

Outside Rita's room at the hospital. Random

Random Mobile Shots

This picture is from last month I think (I have been way behind on my flickr uploads). Lily is so into dressing up lately.

Little butterfly fairy

I made a pillowcase!

Pillow case I made

This pillowcase makes me smile when I see it sitting on my bed. It’s just so bright and beautiful.

Pillow case I made

Besides dressing up in her dress up clothes, Lily is also very into picking out her regular everyday clothes too. She has her own sense of style and I love it.


Sidewalk chalk artist

I made Lil some hair clippies. This is one of them.

I made the clippy

Lily’s sidewalk chalk piggies. We were all very impressed. Waldo thought I did them. I couldn’t do piggies that good no matter how hard I tried.

Little piggies

Lil wanted to try on my glasses the other day.

Trying on mama's glasses

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