It’s been a long while since I did a random mobile post so I have a lot of pictures to post. I’m going to try and limit myself a little and start with my most recent random shots.
You want me to go get Artic Circle?
I have no problem with that. See my curtsey cone?
Our garden has exploded. Once the broccoli I planted died my father in law planted some squash and a few other things in the broccoli’s empty space. The squash and whatever else it is is huge and the tomatoes I thought were peppers are in desperate need of a cage of two. They aren’t going to get any cages though so they can continue to be a ground plant. My leaks were a joke. The tops were huge but I planed them WAY too close together so the eatable part of the leak was stunted.
This should illustrate my general lack of knowledge about gardening and things of that nature. I planed sunflower seeds in the pots that the strawberry plants came in. My Father in Law saved them once they started to get overcrowded (which didn’t take long) and planted them in the garden. They really took off at that point.
I made a few bouquets out of them.
My potatoes are doing amazing. In the spring I had a few russets and white potatoes that were sprouting so I cut them up and planted them not really expecting anything much to happen. Boy way I wrong. We dug up all the white potatoes last month and I dug up 3 russets the other day. I was super impressed.
I was going to publish this post as it is, but when I previewed it I realized it looked like Lily wasn’t around. So here’s Lil helping me ‘dish’. It’s what she has started calling doing the dishes.
I’m joining Amy‘s linkup. Join too.