I found this on Pinterest one morning last week went right out and made it for Lil.

It really couldn’t have been easier to put together. I had everything in the kitchen or craft closet so it cost me nothing to make which means it’s either a guaranteed failure or the best thing to ever happen. ever!

Fizzy Sidewalk paint:
About 8 big spoonfuls of baking soda
1/2 cup of cornstarch
Warm (almost hot) Water
Food coloring
Mix the dry ingredients and then add water stirring until its not too thick. I probably used about a cup, but I am not 100% sure. Once I separated it into the muffin tins, I used Wilton pastel food gels for the colors. This was so much fun. It comes with pink, yellow, blue and green so I got to show Lil how mixing colors makes new colors. We have pretty much perfected orange and purple at this point.
This paint dries very quickly – but washes off fairly easily. However the darker colors did stain the driveway a bit, but now even that has faded.

The blog I got the recipe from called for a container of baking soda, but I buy huge bags of baking soda from Costco so I just guessed at the amount. Next time I make this I will use more baking soda because there wasn’t nearly as much fizzing as I would have liked.

The fizzing came from vinegar in a spray bottle. Lil loves spray bottles so this was hands down the best thing in the world. Mom letting her just go free with a spray bottle and not a cat in sight to get in the way. YAY!

I gave this a 6 out of 10 crayon rating because of my bad proportions. I’m pretty sure Lil would give this a 8 rating; which YAY! We’ll try again with more baking soda.
*I don’t have an explanation for the helmet. It’s just part of her daily uniform lately. Whatever floats your boat kid.