I bought a pack of 10 foam butterflies from the dollar section of Target on a whim. I had no idea what I was going to do with them, but that is how it is with about half of the art stuff I buy. I always come up with something really fun for Lil either from Pinterest, blogs or my old preschool teacher memories. This butterfly craft was just something I pulled out of my… head one day.
I wanted to make a butterfly mobile for Spring. I gave Lil 6 of the butterflies to paint and decorate and then I was going to find some way to make a mobile out of them.
First Lily painted them with glitter glue.
This is my secret to using glitter. We love how glitter sparkles and is so much fun, but I hate how spreads so I put a bunch of glue on a plate and dump a lot of glitter on top and stir it up. After the glue dries you have your glitter sparkles with so much less of a mess. It’s true that you don’t get the coverage you get with just dumping the glitter directly on the piece of art, but this is better in my opinion.
5 butterflies painted with glitter glue and one covered with tissue paper.
Here’s where I have a problem, I don’t know when to stop when it comes to art. After the glue was dry I gave her a few bottles of puffy paint, poof balls and feathers.
This was the first time she’s ever used puffy paint and loved squeezing the bottle and making big pools of puffy paint.
So proud of herself.
The next morning when they were dry (well mostly dry, some of those big pools of puffy paint were still a bit tacky) Lil helped me punch holes in the butterflies and we laced plastic twine in the holes and taped them to the ceiling.
I had wanted them all hung on a twig or something cute, but by the next morning I was totally over them and gave up on trying to figure out how to hang them up. I just put them at different lengths and called it cute.
Lil loved talking about the butterflies and decorating them. She doesn’t quite get the whole season thing, but we are working on that.