Butterflies for Spring

I bought a pack of 10 foam butterflies from the dollar section of Target on a whim. I had no idea what I was going to do with them, but that is how it is with about half of the art stuff I buy. I always come up with something really fun for Lil either from Pinterest, blogs or my old preschool teacher memories. This butterfly craft was just something I pulled out of my… head one day.

I wanted to make a butterfly mobile for Spring. I gave Lil 6 of the butterflies to paint and decorate and then I was going to find some way to make a mobile out of them.

First Lily painted them with glitter glue.
Painted butterflies

This is my secret to using glitter.  We love how glitter sparkles and is so much fun, but I hate how spreads so I put a bunch of glue on a plate and dump a lot of glitter on top and stir it up.  After the glue dries you have your glitter sparkles with so much less of a mess. It’s true that you don’t get the coverage you get with just dumping the glitter directly on the piece of art, but this is better in my opinion.

Painted butterflies

5 butterflies painted with glitter glue and one covered with tissue paper.

Painted butterflies

Here’s where I have a problem, I don’t know when to stop when it comes to art.  After the glue was dry I gave her a few bottles of puffy paint, poof balls and feathers.

Painted butterflies

This was the first time she’s ever used puffy paint and loved squeezing the bottle and making big pools of puffy paint.

Painted butterflies

Painted butterflies

So proud of herself.

Painted butterflies

The next morning when they were dry (well mostly dry, some of those big pools of puffy paint were still a bit tacky) Lil helped me punch holes in the butterflies and we laced plastic twine in the holes and taped them to the ceiling.

Painted butterflies

I had wanted them all hung on a twig or something cute, but by the next morning I was totally over them and gave up on trying to figure out how to hang them up. I just put them at different lengths and called it cute.

Lil loved talking about the butterflies and decorating them.  She doesn’t quite get the whole season thing, but we are working on that.

Art Quickies

I took a little unexpected blog break for the last few weeks (minus a tiny post here and there) for a couple of reasons. I’ve been having a lot of fun playing with Lil and don’t find the time to blog about it, and of course we were very sick for a few weeks, and I’ve been playing a lot of Civilization V with my free time.

One of the things that Lil and I have been doing is a lot of art.  These three projects were pretty quick and didn’t get a lot of pictures taken of them so I put them together in one post.  The first up is marble painting, which is something that I’ve seen a lot of on Pinterest.

Marble painting

We took a cardboard box and cut the top flaps off.  Luckily the small posterboard that we buy fit in the box perfectly so all I did was put a few pieces of double stick tape in the corners to make sure the posterboard stayed down.  I put a few globs of paint in box (Lil’s choices) and dropped three marbles in.  Lil was a little unsure of moving the box too much at first so I showed her how to make the marbles roll.  She liked it and thought it was fun, but as with almost all painting that happens here it turned into finger painting.

Marble painting

I kept trying to turn her interest back to the marbles, but she kept going back to painting the box and the posterboard.  I didn’t really mind and gave up after a while.

Marble painting

The next thing we tried isn’t really art so much as a fun homemade toy.  I’m not talking about a hoop and stick (seriously how was that fun, I don’t care if you don’t have electricity, how is hitting a hoop with a stick fun?), we made a poofball popper.   All I had were 7 inch balloons so I used a small yogurt container. I cut the bottom of the yogurt container off and the top of the tied balloon and fit the balloon over the mouth of the container.  I grabbed a handful of poofballs and let Lil go to town.

Poofball popper

She had some fun with it so it was worth the two minutes it took to construct, but she got over it very quickly.  She had no interest in popping one poofball at a time so she loaded the entire handful in and popped it. It was a lot of fun to see how far she could get them.

Poofball popper

Unfortunately she spent more time pushing the balloon knot back out because every time she pooped the poofballs the knot turned into a innie rather than an outie.


We bought Lil a 1 pound tub of these little beads and I thought she’d love to string them into necklaces and patters, but all she wanted to do with them was make shapes.  I took a few cookie cutters and traced them to make shapes for her.  Then she wanted to make a happy face in the big circle so I free handed a happy face. I’m no artist, that’s for sure.


Discovery Center Fun

A few weeks ago we wanted to do something fun with Lil, and something that was different than the zoo.  So I looked up the Discovery Center of Idaho and figured out that there were probably some things that Lil would enjoy.  We packed up Lil and headed to Boise.

I was a little worried that Lil wouldn’t have fun, but figured that the Discovery Center is in the Zoo parking lot so we could always make a stop there if necessary.  I was totally worried for nothing.

Discovery Center 2/12

Everything at the Discovery Center could be touched and played with.  Lily loved it.

Discovery Center 2/12

Of course a lot of the exhibits were way over my her head, but she still had fun touching them or turning their dials or whatever.

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

Lil loves looking at herself in the mirror, so this infinite mirror thing was the best thing she’s ever seen.

Discovery Center 2/12

I was wrong, the little grocery store was the BEST. THING. EVER. EVER. EVER.

Discovery Center 2/12

She put little fruits and veggies in her cart and had a blast.

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

Then she got to check out. Oh, the excitement of it all.

She goes grocery shopping with us every weekend and sees how the whole thing works and the fact that she got to do it herself was so much fun.

Discovery Center 2/12

Every time she scanned a item she went “boop boop”. I have a video of it somewhere, I need to find that.

Discovery Center 2/12

We were on our way out the door when we saw this bubble tank and had to stop by and see what it was all about.

Discovery Center 2/12

This was my favorite thing at the Center. Lil and I had so much fun blowing huge bubbles, while Waldo took pictures.

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

Discovery Center 2/12

You know it’s a good sign when Lily asked as we were walking out the door to come back soon. And the next day she kept asking to go back to the place with the store.  We will definitely be going back to the Discovery Center. It was a blast.

Sickly sickos

Our house is full of sick people right now. My Father-in-law was the first to fall to the Doom and we are pretty sure he’s had two different things already. For about two weeks he coughed and I think had a runny nose, then all the sudden his illness turned and became so much worse. About three or four days after FIL’s nasties turned even nastier Lily and I started showing symptoms. For the last week and a half Lily and I have had terrible coughs (that keep me up most of the nights), fevers, runny noses, chills (me), headache (me again) and overall feeling like crap. Luckily Waldo and his Mom stayed healthy and took care of us.

The past week Lily and I have spent most of the day snuggling on the couch watching the same episodes of Clifford over and over. I would toss a Sesame Street in every once in a while and usually she wouldn’t notice, thankfully.  I still had to work, but I couldn’t make my normal work phone calls because on Thursday and Friday I had pretty much no voice and even today when I talk I end up coughing in the middle of most of my sentences.

My FIL is just about 2 weeks from when the newest flu or whatever hit him and he’s getting close to being over it. I don’t have a fever anymore, but I’m still coughing like crazy and have a super sore throat. Lil still has a very low grade fever, runny nose and coughing. I think we are going for the time record here and I do not approve.

A few days ago both Waldo and his Mom started showing symptoms, luckily we know how bad it can get so they started taking things to shorten the illness’ life and what not. So far they both seem to be doing better the the rest of us did.

Oh, how I love this kid

A couple of nights ago after dinner Lily hung out with Waldo till story time because I need some time off.  Lil’s been staying up way too late for the last few days and I was about at my wit’s end so Waldo suggested I take some “me” time.  It was really nice. I sat at my computer playing Civ 5 while he did the dinner dishes and played with Lil in the other room.  It only lasted about 90 minutes, but it was just what I needed.

Anyway when Lil came into the family room for story time she stopped in the door way and when I turned to face her she ran to me and said “Mama I missed you so much”.  Waldo had to scrape me up because I melted into a puddle from the sweetness.  Needless to say there was much snuggling after that and thankfully Lily feel asleep in literally 4 minutes.

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