I got the idea to do streamer painting from the book First Art. You take some streamer (ours were leftover from Lily’s birthday), roll it up and tape the end together.
Dip the non-taped end in water and go to town.
I was honestly surprised at how much ink came out of the streamers. You just need a little bit of water or they get very soggy, very fast. I found that these fell apart pretty quickly, but the author claims you can snip the soggy end off and keep going. I just don’t see it working though.
You know, I didn’t read the instructions very well and just improvised. I bet she meant for me to take a length a few inches long and roll it the long way rather then the short way I did. Hmmm, I might have to try it one of these days. I got the book from the library and don’t have it any longer to check if I’m right or not. Anyway, Lily liked this and thought it was fun, but lost interest in it quicker then she does regular brush or finger painting.