
I was watching a clip from youtube working on my computer while Lil was playing with her Potato Heads in the floor.  The speech that Lil gave me is one that happens in various forms pretty often and I think is adorable.

“Mama this potato head needs the bow.”

“Ok, I think it will look great on him, go ahead and put it on him.”

“I can’t. It’s hard for Lily Beans so I can’t.  It’s not hard for Mamas though so I need you to do it because it’s hard for Lily Beans”

“Well if it’s hard for Lily Beans I’ll do it.”


I think the bow tie was the perfect touch for that potato head.


Sunday I was in the bathroom cleaning the tub and had one of those knock-you-on-your-butt strong memories.  It hit me from out of no where and it was so overwhelming I almost started crying.  The events came back to me in such vivid detail that I can’t believe that it’s been probably 8 or more years since they occurred.  I’m not going to bore you or embarrass myself with the details, but I will say that it was all about my ex-husband.  As I finished cleaning the bathroom I brooded over the memory and beat myself up for sticking with him for as long as I did.

After the bathroom sparkled I had to go downstairs to move the laundry to the dryer and had to walk past Waldo and Lily at the kitchen table having lunch.  I rubbed Lil’s head, but didn’t linger in the kitchen.  When I got back upstairs I realized that that brief contact with the two people I love the most in the world was like a breath of fresh air.  The clouds parted and I could see clearly again.

6 years ago I made the easiest decision of my life; I wasn’t going to allow my Ex to ruin another second of my life.  Rather then wallow and berate myself I rearranged our family room.  I felt so much better when Waldo and Lily came upstairs and I got to show off all of my hard work.

My life is so different than it was when that memory originated I can hardly believe the same person lived it.  This memory along with so many more during that time of my life were unpleasant, but I am so grateful for all of the wonderful memories I’ve formed over the last 6 years.

Snow Leopards like to have fun too

The last time we went to the zoo in December the snow leopard put on a show for us. I guess it makes sense that in the warmer part of the year he just lays around, but now that it’s cold he’s all get up and go. He is a SNOW Leopard, which I would take to mean that he lives in a cold part of the world. It was fun to watch him be so frisky.

The dark haired little girl in the videos is just some random stranger, but a very cute one.



Waldo was looking at my WordPress dashboard for some reason the other day and brought it to my attention that I was at something like 395 posts.  I was honestly surprised considering how sporadically I post, but I made a mental note to make some comment when I posted number 400.  Well I goofed that up and totally didn’t even remember to check before I hit publish.  So today’s post is number 401, Hizaa!

Now on to what I really wanted to share today:  Lily and the poofballs.

Poof Balls

I am trying to come up with great fun home preschool stuff for Lily and me to do. As a once upon a time preschool teacher this should be easy for me, but it isn’t. First off it was a lifetime ago that I taught preschool and secondly the preschools had their own curriculum and I just had to read, prep and do. None of it was my idea so I don’t remember any of it.

I have been stalking Pinterest for ideas and have a lot of them already. So expect to see a few more posts with Pinterest links in them.

I know I saw many different pins with this same idea, but I can’t find a single one. Anyway the point is the kiddo manipulates the poofballs with tongs.

Poof Balls

It’s good for color recognition, hand-eye coordination, counting (although Lil’s not into numbers right now and it’s driving me mad, but you know how kids are, tomorrow will be all about numbers) and dexterity. And of course fun.

Poof Balls

I gave her three colors of balls, three little containers and the new bamboo tongs we bought the other day and she went to town. First I had her put all of one color in each container, then she sort of ran with it. I tried to get her to count the balls with me, but that was a no go.

Poof Balls

After putting them in their separate containers for a while she started using the tongs take them from one container to another, which is also a good learning thing.

Poof Balls

Poof Balls

This went on for probably 15 minutes so I felt it was a pretty successful home ed sesion. After she got bored with the tongs she grabbed the poofballs and went to throw them at the cats.

Poof Balls

I woke up the next morning and found a poofball or three under me in bed. I swear they are multiplying. There might be a follow up post about Tribbles happening soon.

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

We are still completely obsessed with the zoo and go as often as possible. Since we go so often I don’t take many pictures anymore, but I can’t help myself and take a few.

We pretty much had to wrestle Lily into her new jacket. I don’t understand why she didn’t want to wear it because she looks so cute in it and it’s her favorite color and once she was in it she liked it.

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

I love that she feeds the goats by herself now and looks forward to it.  It’s very gross and I can’t stand it, but she likes it.

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

In all of the times that we’ve been to this zoo we have never seen the red panda before.  I thought it was very exciting, I think I was the only one.

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

This is a Bald Cypress tree. It isn’t from our region, but the zoo has like 2 of them for conservation.  The little things sticking up at the base of the tree are it’s roots or something.  Waldo said it looked like chipmunks bowing down to their god.  Because of his comment I had to take a picture.

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

The zoo has this cute jeep in the Africa area and Lily loves it.  She likes to “drive” Waldo (who is usually in the car with her).

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

We got a close up visit with the big male lion this time.  We’ve been up close with the lioness before, but the male usually hangs out in middle of the yard.  This was a real treat.

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

Zoo Boise 1/8/12

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