Waldo was looking at my WordPress dashboard for some reason the other day and brought it to my attention that I was at something like 395 posts. I was honestly surprised considering how sporadically I post, but I made a mental note to make some comment when I posted number 400. Well I goofed that up and totally didn’t even remember to check before I hit publish. So today’s post is number 401, Hizaa!
Now on to what I really wanted to share today: Lily and the poofballs.

I am trying to come up with great fun home preschool stuff for Lily and me to do. As a once upon a time preschool teacher this should be easy for me, but it isn’t. First off it was a lifetime ago that I taught preschool and secondly the preschools had their own curriculum and I just had to read, prep and do. None of it was my idea so I don’t remember any of it.
I have been stalking Pinterest for ideas and have a lot of them already. So expect to see a few more posts with Pinterest links in them.
I know I saw many different pins with this same idea, but I can’t find a single one. Anyway the point is the kiddo manipulates the poofballs with tongs.

It’s good for color recognition, hand-eye coordination, counting (although Lil’s not into numbers right now and it’s driving me mad, but you know how kids are, tomorrow will be all about numbers) and dexterity. And of course fun.

I gave her three colors of balls, three little containers and the new bamboo tongs we bought the other day and she went to town. First I had her put all of one color in each container, then she sort of ran with it. I tried to get her to count the balls with me, but that was a no go.

After putting them in their separate containers for a while she started using the tongs take them from one container to another, which is also a good learning thing.

This went on for probably 15 minutes so I felt it was a pretty successful home ed sesion. After she got bored with the tongs she grabbed the poofballs and went to throw them at the cats.

I woke up the next morning and found a poofball or three under me in bed. I swear they are multiplying. There might be a follow up post about Tribbles happening soon.