3rd birthdays are a big deal, but no too big

I have been planning in a non-planning type of way for Lily’s 3rd birthday for weeks now. Stalking Pinterest and pinning things that I think are fun ways to celebrate, making mental notes of things I want to do with her, all while not really trying to think too hard about it. Since we moved to Idaho a few months ago I knew we wouldn’t do a big birthday party because we only have Waldo’s brother and his family here, so I knew I didn’t have to go too crazy.

On Pinterest I saw a lot of great ideas for birthdays that involved balloons. Lily isn’t overly fond of balloons so I wasn’t sure I should try any of them. After much though I decided to give some of the super cute ideas a try.
3rd birthday decorations

I something similar to the above on Pinterest, but I took it a step further.
3rd birthday decorations

I had 8 balloons left so I knew it wouldn’t cover our bedroom floor (like I saw on Pinterest) so I decided to put them on the bed and started on my wake-up-by-way-of-annoying-the-daylights-out-of-her routine.

Lily on her 3rd birthday

What the what…
Lily on her 3rd birthday

Oh balloons, but what?
Lily on her 3rd birthday

Whatever, I dig it.
Lily on her 3rd birthday

Lily on her 3rd birthday

Lily on her 3rd birthday

After I made Lil’s breakfast I had to make her cake. Usually I would have made it the night before, but I wasn’t that organized. I frosted it while Waldo had lunch with Lil.

3rd birthday cake

After she was done with lunch I wanted to take some pictures of her with her cake before everyone got here. Lily really got into the pictures.

Lily on her 3rd birthday

Lily on her 3rd birthday

Lily on her 3rd birthday

Lily on her 3rd birthday

Lily on her 3rd birthday

I asked Lily to show me how old she is now.

Lily on her 3rd birthday

She is having trouble getting those little fingers to stay down.

Lily on her 3rd birthday

Waldo’s brother, his wife and three of their kids came over for cake and ice cream.

Lily at her 3rd bday party

We sort of rushed the whole thing so Waldo could get back to work. Lil opened her presents first.

Lily at her 3rd bday party

Lily at her 3rd bday party

Lil’s little cousin Bryce helped with the wrapping paper a lot. It worked out great because Lily wasn’t happy with all the attention on her so she wasn’t to into ripping the paper.

Bryce at Lily's 3rd bday party

Lily at her 3rd bday party

Lily at her 3rd bday party

Then we moved on to cake and singing.

Lily at her 3rd bday party

Oh with the attention again.

Lily at her 3rd bday party

Lily at her 3rd bday party

Lily at her 3rd bday party

Waldo blew out her candle for her because she just gave us blank stares when we tried to get her to do it.

Lily at her 3rd bday party

Everyone tried on Lily’s really cool crown. This is Brock, he’s about 6 months older then Lil.


And Bryce, he just turned two a few weeks ago.


Lily at her 3rd bday party

After everyone had their fill of cake they left. Overall it was a very successful birthday party, short and sweet. Lily had a great birthday even if there were a few moments of total overwhelmed-ness.

Lily on her 3rd birthday

Interview with a 3 year old

I had heard of kid interviews on a few blogs over the last few years, but didn’t really put much thought into doing one myself until I saw one on Pinterest. I asked Lily these questions a few days after her birthday, but I feel the answers would have been the same no matter.

What’s your name: Avery Wiggins

How old are you: 3 years I guess

What’s your favorite color: Blue and red

Who’s your best friend: Olivia

Favorite animal: giraffe

What do you want to be when your all grown up: I want to be like back pack Elmo (he was in a book she was scanning while I asked these questions)

What’s your favorite movies: I answered for her, Jimmy Neutron, Tangled,  Super Why, Cat in the hat

What is your favorite book: Olivia

What makes you happy: When my toys are back

What makes you sad: When you guys (me and Daddy) are gone

What is your most favorite food to eat: broccoli

Favorite song: ABC

What game do you like to play: a doggy game (make believe)

Can you write your name: no

Hopefully I’m with it enough to continue doing these as the years pass. I know I’ll love looking back on this in a few years.

Christmas! 2011

A wolf ate Kitty for Christmas this year.
Christmas 2011

Christmas 2011

We only bought Lily a few things for Christmas, but our families went crazy so she got a ton of stuff.
Like this really nice jacket from Waldo’s parents.
Christmas 2011

And an owl cuddly backpack from my Dad.
Christmas 2011

My sister Jolene got her a million piece magnetic dress up doll collection.
Christmas 2011

My Dad also got her this really cute little Mickie Mouse snow globe that Lil just loved.
Christmas 2011
It was broke by the end of the day.

My Mom got her a really sweet little porcelain tea set.
Christmas 2011

Hmmm, apparently I didn’t take any pictures of Lily with the things we got her. Imagine her with a couple of additions to her Thomas the Tank collection. Lil and Waldo spent a lot of time building the biggest track they could. It took me forever to take it apart and get it out of the middle of the floor. 🙂

We had a really nice breakfast of french toast and eggs before we crashed played with Lily’s new toys and after nap time we spent the rest of the day with Waldo’s brother and his family. We had a great time. I really missed my family, but I spoke to them so it took some of the sting out.

I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday.


Lily has started swearing and I kid you not, it’s the cutest thing EVER!

When she sees something amiss she puts a hand on her hip and says “Gonit!” I’m guessing it’s a Lily version of Doggonit that I’ve taken to using in place of my normal sailor speak. I have worked pretty hard to clean up my vocabulary when I’m around Lily (which is almost all the time) so I’m pretty pleased that she picked up on this word and not one of the less socially acceptable ones.

These pictures have nothing to do with the post, I just haven’t put up any new pictures lately. There from my phone so not the best, sorry.


All dressed up for Thanksgiving.

Playing behind ReRe's tree

Twinkle, twinkle, Christmas lights


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