I was watching old Lily videos with her other other day and this one made me smile so big. Lily has come so far in just under a year. It’s amazing.
Monthly Archives: September 2011
Random Mobile Shots
There’s a playground near Waldo’s brother’s house. The day we decided to walk to the playground was nice and cool and a little overcast when we left. By the time we got there the sun had come out and all of the play equipment was too hot to play on except for the bottom half of one slide. We had to keep putting Lil on the slide in the middle over and over again. She was perfectly happy with the situation.
Things I like: Boise
We’ve lived in Boise for almost a month in a half and I thought I’d blog about some of thing things that I like about Boise.
Parks: They are everywhere, I mean everywhere. We live outside of Boise in a little community and I’m pretty sure that every subdivision has their own. And the schools aren’t locked down like they are in California (at least where we lived) so you can go play on the playgrounds there too. Oh and of course there are city parks all over the place and a huge greenbelt. I wasn’t even sure what a greenbelt was before we moved here.
Food Co-Ops: Boise has no Whole Foods or Trader Joes: kill me dead right now, or I thought so before we moved here. Boise has a great food co-op store that is bigger than the Trader Joe’s in Fresno: The Boise Co-op. I can find just about everything that I need there. Yes it’s more expensive than Trader Joes, but close in price to Whole Foods and right on in the price department of what we were used to paying at the little organic foods stores in Montana.
Besides the Co-op I have found two other ways to get good fresh organic produce. Bountiful Basket and Full Circle Farm. I’ll talk more about these in another post, but I’m going to say that I LOVE them.
The people: Oh how I missed these people when I was in California. I’m going to admit that I’m not a super social person and I’m shy, but I am a people person. I know, very confusing. I love polite, nice people. I love smiling at people as our eyes meet while we pass each other on the street, or in the store. I love people that hold the door for you. I love stopping someone in Costco asking where they bought their daughter’s crown and having a quick conversation and I love being stopped in a different Costco by a woman that needed to borrow my pen. The people are so nice.
Oh I remembered one more thing, the Babywearing! Boise is a babywearing city. Everywhere I go I see a Mom or occasionally a Dad wearing a little peanut. Mostly they are using Bjorns, but I have seen a lot of mei tais and Moby’s and one beautiful green woven wrap in Old Navy. I stopped and told that Mom how pretty her wrap was, I couldn’t not.
So far I love Boise.
Wordless Wednesday
Fingerpainting never gets old
I was at Boarders the other day stalking their 30% off kids books and found a art smock and fingerpaint paper pad that I just couldn’t pass up. I am sick and tired of using my old t-shirts for Lil’s craft covers. They do a crappy job and occasionally I need to wear the shirts again and lo and behold they are stained with washable paint. I think the smock and the paper pad were about $4 a piece and I found out they are totally worth it.
We started out with some slick stick crayons. (I highly recommend these crayons. The colors are bold and bright.)
Next came the paint.
I decided to do a folded butterfly painting and Lily was all for it.
I don’t think she had enough paint on the paper because when I pressed the pages together there was hardly anything on the second side.
So Lil added more paint. (apparently I didn’t get any pictures of the finished butterfly.)
I realized that Lily mostly fingerpaints with her palms, so I showed her how to just use her fingertips.
Lots of circles and spirals were the outcome.
I am so happy with the smock. It kept Lily clean and was easy to clean off. I totally wish I would have broke down and bought one months ago.