Scissors are cool

Like a lot of kids I’m sure Lily is always trying to get our scissors.  She sees us using them and wants to try.  Of course we take the scissors away and try to explain.  When all of the school supplies started popping up at Target I noticed a set of kids scissors and grabbed them.  I think they are labeled for 3 or 4 year olds, but I’m a rebel and got them for my 2 1/2 year old.  Because of the move and whatnot the scissors have been in my craft tub for a month or two.  Well last week I got them out and Lily was so excited to try them.

I didn’t have to give her much instruction.  I think she’s been paying attention when we use them because she pretty much knew exactly what to do with them.

First time using scissors

First time using scissors

She is mostly doing single cuts so far.

First time using scissors

I tried to show her how to make one cut after another to you know cut the paper in half or something, but she is much more into fringe right now.

First time using scissors

First time using scissors

In the week or so that we’ve had the scissors in our lives, we’ve had many “cutting days” (her name for it) and she’s progressed from just fringe to confetti.

OMG the small triangles, they are all over the floor. I think they might be taking over the world.

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