Fingerpainting never gets old

I was at Boarders the other day stalking their 30% off kids books and found a art smock and fingerpaint paper pad that I just couldn’t pass up.  I am sick and tired of using my old t-shirts for Lil’s craft covers.  They do a crappy job and occasionally I need to wear the shirts again and lo and behold they are stained with washable paint.  I think the smock and the paper pad were about $4 a piece and I found out they are totally worth it.

New art smock

My little artist

We started out with some slick stick crayons. (I highly recommend these crayons.  The colors are bold and bright.)


Next came the paint.


I decided to do a folded butterfly painting and Lily was all for it.


I don’t think she had enough paint on the paper because when I pressed the pages together there was hardly anything on the second side.


So Lil added more paint. (apparently I didn’t get any pictures of the finished butterfly.)


I realized that Lily mostly fingerpaints with her palms, so I showed her how to just use her fingertips.


Lots of circles and spirals were the outcome.

I am so happy with the smock.  It kept Lily clean and was easy to clean off.  I totally wish I would have broke down and bought one months ago.

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