Like I said in my last mobile random post, we celebrated 6 weeks of vegetarian eating by me and pescetarian eating by Waldo with a pepperoni and half ham pizza at Round Table. It was so good. Eating vegetarian for me isn’t hard because I’ve never liked eating meat very much; I’d eat chicken at restaurants and turkey sandwich for lunch and bacon occasionally, but the one that kills me is pepperoni. I live on pizza, it is pretty much my favorite thing ever, but I hardly want it with just cheese. I have started to add minced garlic, red and green bell peppers on it and it’s getting back up to the top of my food list. Eating vegetarian for Waldo is a little harder. He loves meat. So why would he do it? For me and Lily mostly. Because I don’t like eating meat, I have made Lily a vegetarian. Waldo has always backed me up on this, but he wouldn’t say no if one day I said we would give her meat. Lil has never made any indication that she wants any of the meat that’s eaten around her. Waldo still felt like a hypocrite eating meat when we didn’t feed it to Lily, so he’s trying vegetarianism out and I’m along for the ride. Waldo has decided that he will still eat fish and if he’s at say a bar-b-q he can eat meat. This worked into me getting a pepperoni pizza the other day, it was amazing.
To help make this new food lifestyle have a fighting chance I needed some new recipes. I had been asking around and was recommended How to Cook Everything Vegetarian.I got it last week and love it. It’s full of pretty useful general kitchen and food information and something like 2000 recipes. Waldo and I made bet if I’d ever make any of the recipes. So far I’ve made a pretty good vinaigrette and a really good fast and easy pasta sauce.
3 table spoons EVOO
1 24- to 32- oz can of whole tomatoes~drained and chopped
salt and pepper
1 medium onion chopped
Freshly grated Parmesan cheese
Heat the oil in a 10 or 12 inch skillet over medium-high heat. When it’s hot add the onion. Cook till soft about 3 minutes. Add the tomatoes and the salt and pepper. Cook stirring occasionally for about 10 to 15 minutes till the tomatoes sort of burst and the sauce comes together.
Add Parmesan cheese and serve.
I added about 2 tsp of sherry vinegar ,some garlic powder and the liquid from the tomatoes.
When the sauce was done I put it all in a blender and pureed it. Taste and season accordingly. I added a few tablespoons of the pasta cooking water. It helped loosen the sauce up but added body or something fancy sounding.
This is a great base sauce. It reminds me a lot of my pizza sauce (I’ll post that one day, you will thank me), but it was fast and easy.
Next time I’ll add more herbs. And Garlic!
Sorry that there aren’t any pictures. We were too busy eating it to remember to take any.