This weeks Friday random mobile shots are a random as normal. All of these were taken by Lily while trying to take pictures of Waldo and I. She holds my phone bachward for taking pictures, but it’s the way that it’s normally pointing at her.
This weeks Friday random mobile shots are a random as normal. All of these were taken by Lily while trying to take pictures of Waldo and I. She holds my phone bachward for taking pictures, but it’s the way that it’s normally pointing at her.
We eat salad at least a couple of times a week and we have a standard format for them. They are always the same: cut up romaine, baby spinach, shredded carrot, sliced mushroom, broccoli, avocado, occasionally hard boiled eggs. Waldo uses a Parmesan ranch dressing and olives. I add hemp seeds and 1000 island dressing. We have both wanted to try different dressings, but I’m picky and have been putting off finding something new. We haven’t gotten tired of the salad yet, and frankly we are both surprised by that. Oh well.
So I was going through How to Cook Everything Vegetarian and found a good simple vinaigrette. I couldn’t wait to try it. Like I said on the pasta sauce post Mark Bittman makes good base recipes with a lot of variations listed. We loved the vinaigrette and can’t wait to try some different versions.
I made some changes to fit our likes, but it’s a really good base recipe. I’ll add my changes at the end.
1/2 cup good EVOO
3 tablespoons of a good wine vinegar, plus some to taste
salt and pepper
1 large shallot cut into chunks (optional)
Put the EVOO and vinegar in the cup of a immersion blender and spin. It should get creamy in about 30 seconds or so. Add salt and pepper and taste. Adjust with more seasoning and 1 teaspoon of vinegar at a time if necessary.
Add shallot and blend again. Taste again and serve.
Waldo and I both loved it and I really appreciate that Bittman give a lot of variations for most of the recipes. I can’t wait to try some vinaigrette versions.
I used:
Sherry vinegar which Bittman recommends and I agree with.
1/2 large shallot
A few days after trying this vinaigrette we tried it again with a teaspoon of mustard as was suggested in the variations and we hated it. Hated. It.
I have been looking and looking for some sundresses for Lily all summer, and by looking and looking I mean I glance at Old Navy once or twice and get frustrated and leave. Anyway, I got a notification that Old Navy was having a 75% off almost all summer clothing sale so I made Waldo stop there while we were doing our normal weekend shopping. I was so disappointed, they only had 3 things on sale in the little girls department, the sales guy told us that the sale is really only in the women’s department. Grrr.
We looked around anyway and after much fretting and picking up and putting down many dresses I settled on one. It wasn’t my favorite, but it was cute. I was really annoyed with Old Navy, all the dresses were way too grown up for toddlers (I felt anyway).
Once I got the one we picked out on Lily I was very happy with it. I think she looks super cute and to prove it I took some pictures while we were playing in the backyard.
A few nights ago Waldo was cleaning Lily up after dinner and he blamed something on her. I said “don’t throw Lily under the bus” and her response was:
I had to have her repeat it once I got my phone off the counter and now she says it all the time.
Happy Friday! To celebrate the impending weekend here are some totally random pictures from my phone over the last couple of weeks.
Lily and me at the park one day a few months ago. She was just recovering from a flu thing that nearly killed me.
I joined A Good Life‘s weekly phone photo link up this week. She takes some great phone shots.