I had all these grand plans for our Thanksgiving that involved taking family pictures in front of the Christmas tree because both of Waldo’s siblings and all their kids would be here. That got blown out of the water because one of Waldo’s nephews got sick the day before Thanksgiving so he stayed home with his Mom. Since I had this really pretty dress for Lily already I decided to keep trying to get pictures of her in it for our Holiday card. And really I would have done it anyway but the pretty dress was a extra good excuse. Over the course of the end of November and most of December I tried and tried to get pictures of Lily in different holiday outfits and I was never happy enough with any of them to use as “the picture”. Because Lily is adorable any picture would have worked but I was looking for the perfect one.
On Lily’s second birthday I put her in her pretty dress (and the extra snowman shirt I made) and took approximately 1,524,682 pictures and loved a bunch of them.
In the end we decided to use a bunch of the pictures. I’m really pleased with how it turned out.

I placed the order for the card on Christmas day while Lily napped, I feel we were still on time and I won’t accept any other opinions. If you haven’t gotten your card yet don’t worry, I’m still trying to get them out. I have to add stamps to next weeks grocery shopping list.