I haven’t fallen off the face of the earth but I am in the process of uprooting our lives to move back to California. I’ll talk more about the move later, we are taking lots of pictures and are pretty excited about it. For the next couple of weeks I will be continuing my not-posting-at-all streak, but I will be back eventually.
Monthly Archives: May 2010
16 months old
Dear Lily,
You are 16 months old today, I just don’t know where the time went. As fast as the past 16 months have gone I can only imagine how fast the next 16 years are going to go. This past month you have just blossomed into a independent little person. Don’t get me wrong, you are still a Mommy’s Girl through and through but you also want to do things yourself and you have ideas about how things are suppose to go. It is so much fun watching you learn and grow, you change each and every day.
You are learning signs and using them all the time. You have mastered more, drink, eat, brush teeth, please, nurse/milk and you are learning thank you and telephone. I’m learning new signs all the time and trying to teach them to you so this list grows all the time.
You have mastered the spoon. You have yogurt for breakfast most mornings and for the longest time I’ve put the yogurt on the spoon and then gave it to you and you put it in your mouth. This month you figured out how to get the yogurt on the spoon yourself and go from there. It is pretty messy but you love being independent so it’s worth it.
You have 8 very cute little teeth, the top four front and bottom four front. I think you might be getting a molar but can’t tell for sure.
For about two weeks you gave me a glimmer of hope that one day you might sleep for longer periods of time and I loved it. You slept for 4 to 7 hours at a time and it was so nice. And then one day it was over and I cried a little. 🙂 This is one reason that I think you might be teething again.
You are a full on walker now. You still fall a lot and have a very cute little toddle but everyday you get more confidant and fall less.
You finally hit 20 pounds. Yay! You are getting so big. I look at you sleeping on my chest and can’t believe that you are the same little baby that we brought home 16 months ago. You are the coolest little person that I know and I’m so proud to be your Mama.
I love you Lily Bean,
71 weeks old
April pictures
I take hundreds of pictures of Lily each month and only ever put a small portion of them here so I thought I’d start adding more at the end of the month.
I love the raised eyebrows. It’s something she does to make me laugh.
70 weeks old
Last Monday Lily turned 70 weeks old. When I mentioned this to Waldo he said that doesn’t really mean much to him because he can’t quickly translate 70 weeks into months, so I said it a different way; Lily has been with us for 70 Mondays and Wow that just seems like so long. It’s funny how phrasing something a little differently makes all the difference in the world.
I’m posting this picture almost a week late but it was taken on Lily’s 70th Monday. She’s enjoying her dinner of my homemade hummus and pita bread. She really liked it. I haven’t been blogging much (reading or writing) the last couple of weeks because I really really need to go to the eye doctor. My glasses just aren’t strong enough anymore. I go on Tuesday so hopefully I’ll be back to my old self soon. I haven’t been blogging but I have been baking. I have made home made tortillas, graham crackers, banana bread and banana bread muffins, hummus and pita bread over the last couple of weeks and chocolate cookies are in the works right now. It has been a lot of fun and I think I’ll start sharing those recipes soon.
And for fun, this was Lily 1 year ago.