This is the top middle square of Lily’s special quilt.
“Leapin for Joy… Havin a Hoppy Day!”
We got a new point and shoot camera because our old one died. I was this (picture my thumb and index finger a breath away from each other) to getting a DSLR but we wanted something easily portable for our upcoming vacation so we went with a really nice Cannon P&S. I took a couple of videos of Lily with our new toy and was so happy with how they came out.
Sitting on a blender from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.
Lily walking and talking from Christy Wiggins on Vimeo.
A friend of mine is opening a cloth diaper store in town and asked Lily to join in a small photo shoot so that she would have cute pictures to display around her store. I jumped at the chance to not only help a friend but cloth diapering is something that I’m passionate about. Also I figured I’d get some cute pictures of Lily out of the deal and I was so not disappointed.
It was three babies: Lily and two boy, Logan and Ezra. Lily is 14 months old, Logan is 15 months old and Ezra is 19 months old. Ezra’s Mommy Crystal is the one opening the store and took the pictures. Logan’s Mommy is Ai and we took the pictures at her house. The kids are so cute together, we have been getting together for a few hours the last couple of weeks and it has been so fun.
Here’s some of the great pictures:
Ezra, Logan and Lily (who was about to lose it)
Lily was like “what are you boys looking at? I can’t see anything”
This is the bottom right square of Lily special quilt. It says “Smell the flowers along the way…” and I really hope Lily takes that to heart. Stopping to enjoy the moment is so important and overlooked in our culture.