Monthly Archives: March 2010
We love you beary much
The last couple of weeks in pictures
Like I said we got a new camera so I’ve been having fun taking pictures of my favorite subject.
Our heart
This is the center square of Lily’s special quilt. It has all of Lily’s birth information in it.
64 weeks old
Lily has been sick I guess this past weekend. I’m pretty sure its a really nasty teething episode, whatever it is I need it to go away. Saturday she spiked a fever around noon of about 102, it got as high as 102.9 and then as low as 101.2 by Sunday morning. On Monday it was around 100 and Tuesday it was finally gone. Along with the fever she has had loose poops and a serous case of the grumps. It’s kind of funny because the grumpy pants did come till Sunday and they come and go.