Daily Archives: March 29, 2010
More pantry potions
I stole the term Pantry Potions from C of Random Thought and Musing from the Island, I hope she doesn’t mind. C let me know if you do and I’ll come up with something else, but it won’t be as good.
People were so interested in baking soda from my last Mama time (pantry potion) post that I thought I’d throw a few more things out there.
I took a bath last night and figured I’d try to do something nice for my skin while I was shaving so I dumped about a cup of baking soda into the warm water. It’s such a small thing but really makes me feel nice and soft when I get out. If I had any of my essential oils handy I would have added a few drops of lavender for relaxation.
Before I took my bath I sprinkled baking soda all over the tub and got my sponge wet and scrubbed. It worked really well to clean my tub. I am going to see how it handles the sink tomorrow. I’m on the look out for good working safe non-toxic cleaners and so far haven’t liked the one I see more often; vinegar in a spray bottle with some water.
If your hair is a little greasy but you don’t have time to wash it right away you can sprinkle a little baking soda in it and then shake it out and brush it well and you should be good to go. the baking soda will absorb the grease. It’s a really good cheap alternative to expensive dry shampoos. I’ve used this a few times when I had extremely long hair and it worked pretty well. As I have darker hair I had to make sure I got it all out so I shook it and then toweled it off too.