I swear that time must be on fastforward or something because I swear I have a teenager all of the sudden.
Seriously I had just gotten Lily dressed in a outfit that hadn’t fit before and it was finally warm enough for her to wear, I put her on the bed so she could play with my old phone and when I turned around she just looked so damn grown up. Look at those pictures, she’s not a baby anymore. I don’t know when this happened.
She is darn cute though.
Kitty has to get in on the action
She’s giving Kitty her kissy face. I had to check for my pulse after this one, she kills me with the cuteness.
I realized I hadn’t taken any baby feet pictures in a long time.
I always (as I’m sure all of you have too) heard that time flies but I just didn’t realize that I couldn’t close my eyes for a millisecond.