AppleCheeks cloth diapers

I have been cloth diapering Lily for about 9 months now and I love it. I find them easy to use, Lily has had almost no rashes and they look darn cute.

AppleCheeks Diapers

One of the reasons I wanted to use cloth from the beginning is the money saving aspect. Yes you have to put out for a large investment in the beginning, but I don’t have to work diaper money into our already tight budget each month. Because of this I have only really used the diapers we bought before Lily was born and I don’t have a huge stash of fluffy choices like I’ve seen on other people’s blogs. I have been very happy with the pocket diapers we bought, but was very excited to have a chance to try out something new and different. AppleCheeks sent me one size 2 cover in the lovely St. Lucia color, a bamboo insert and a wetbag.

AppleCheeks Diaper

The cover has a wonderful wide envelope opening that is more in the center of the diaper rather then on one end like the other diapers that I have. I really like this because they seem easier to stuff and I don’t have to unstuff it before I throw it in the washer. At first I was skeptical that the insert would come out on its own, but it does every time, I think this is my favorite feature of all. AppleCheeks are also unique in that you don’t have use it as a pocket diaper, you can simply set the inset in the cover; that way when the kiddo needs to be changed you just put a new insert and reuse the cover. I really like that aspect and use it mostly when I’m getting close to needing to wash diapers again, it’s a great way to stretch your stash. Another nice thing about AppleCheeks diapers is the size range, they are one size diapers but the sizes are generous. They come in two sizes, size 1 fits from 7 – 20lbs, and size 2 fits from 20 – 40lbs.

The diaper I was sent to review is size 2 and Lily only weighs 18 pounds so it isn’t a perfect fit, however it impressed me every time I put it on her as there were no leaks and that is what diapers are all about.

AppleCheeks Diapers

While AppleCheeks offers a great selection of solid colors I would love to see some prints or patterns.  I think some polka dot diapers would be adorable.  AppleCheeks are on the higher end cost wise but they are very well made and worth the cost. I am certain that this diaper will last forever and Lily’s future siblings will be wearing it.

AppleCheeks provided me with a diaper to review, all opinions are my own.

Love/hate relationship

We have a love/hate relationship with our cats. Really hate is too strong of a word, we (meaning Waldo and myself) are driven nuts by them. We feel bad for them, they used to be the babies and got all the love they could absorb. They slept on our beds and us, they were always on our laps, they sat on our monitors and desks. Then Lily came into our world and the cats were just in the way. Lily sleeps in our bed so we didn’t want them even in our bedroom for fear that she would be allergic. We have loosened up on this one now that we know she’s not allergic or asthmatic, they still don’t get to sleep with us but they hang out in our room during the day. Lily is always on my lap and if she’s not for two seconds then one of the cats is trying to jump on me. Sometimes I just want my lap to be free of all sitters. They still sit on our desks sometimes but not the monitors anymore but that has nothing to do with Lily, we replaced all of our CRTs with flat panels over time. Boy you should have heard all the thumping when we got our last flat panel and Kitty kept trying to sit on it. LOL.

Where does the love come in to play in this love/hate thing that I’ve been talking about. Lily is that love. She LOVES the cats. She just lights up when she sees them. She points and smiles, she talks to them and at them. We have worked for months on her being gentle with them and she is very good. She does like to poke them in the eye and ear and we sort of encourage that. They know that when they’ve had enough of her to just walk away and we want them to remember that. But let me tell you they will take a lot of Lily’s “loving” before they walk away.

We have three cats as I’ve mentioned in the past and if I ask Lily where Kitty/Jingle/Tandy is she gets it right about half the time or so.  And this summer I’ll be very glad we still have them, they are great at keeping the bug and spider population in check.  So I guess they deserve a little love for that alone.

I have to admit that Lily’s love for them is so sweet that I will happily take the annoyance.  I just hope for all of our sakes she continues to think they are pretty darn cool.

Kitty on a sleeping Lil

Kitty loves Lily too

58 weeks old

This is very common