Thank you Renda

We went to our office Christmas party on Friday night and had a great time. It was at a nice local restaurant and just about everyone we work with was there including Lily. 🙂 Who was just an angel, she only got upset once and we nursed for a few minutes but she really just wanted to look around at everyone and check everything out.

The only other woman that works for our company ended up with my name for the gift exchange and let me tell you I’m so happy that she did. She’s a scrapbooker and she took all the letters that I write Lily and the weekly pictures I put on my blog and made it into a beautiful scrapbook. I couldn’t look at it at the party because I didn’t want to cry and smear my makeup. Heck I still can’t hardly look at it without crying but I guess at home that’s acceptable. I told everyone at the party that I didn’t care what they got I got the best gift and I was showing it off to everyone.

Thank you Renda, I will cherish it forever!

51 weeks old

After getting Lil dressed this morning I realized I had the perfect opportunity to do a comparative photo.

This was taken on June 27, Lil was 26.5 weeks old.

This was as close as I could get her today. She is too busy to sit still. But look the capris are finally the correct length.
51 weeks old

Within seconds she was doing this
51 weeks old

and then some of this
51 weeks old

and this
51 weeks old

Then she decided to inspectagate her presents **
51 weeks old

51 weeks old

Look you can totally see a upper tooth **
51 weeks old

51 weeks old

**If you look closely at my monitor in the background you will get a hint at what we did last weekend

11 months old

Dear Lily,

Oh my goodness girl you are 11 months old today and the light of my life.  We have so much fun together during the day while its just you and me and the rest of the world is at work, I feel a little bad for your Daddy sometimes.  He’s missing so much, but I tell him about it and he sees it for himself when he’s home.  So instead I just enjoy it, you, us.

  • You do the traditional crawl now. I haven’t seen a flop in a couple of weeks. You are so fast. It’s funny.
  • You get into a sitting position so easily it’s like you’ve always been doing it.
  • Of course you are standing up on everything
  • You love to play with everyday objects more then anything in the world. I could offer you my lip balm or a rattle and you will take the lip balm every time.
  • You wave all the time, it may not be at the “right time” but it makes your Daddy and I so happy that you will do it again and again.
  • You still love veggies, especially squash. Almost every night you feed yourself some soft veggie and you love it. I haven’t pureed anything in a couple of weeks now.
  • You pet the cats nicely I’d say about 75% of the time. The other 25% is usually very excited taps on them and they don’t love it but for the most part they put up with it and you.
  • I swear that your face has changed in the last week or so. Your Daddy doesn’t seem to feel the same way but I’m sure of it.
  • We finally had to take the bassinet out of your pack and play. Because we still swaddle you (I keep trying to wean you but your stubborn) I felt ok about having the bassinet until the other day when I walked in and found you standing up holding on to the sides. I nearly had a heart attack and you were “seriously are you surprised? I stand all the time”


11 months old

11 months old

11 months old

11 months old

*****I started this before Lil turned 11 months old on 11/22/09 she just keeps me so busy that I didn’t get it finished til today.

Do I have a cute kid or what?

Lil and I were playing on the couch the other day and I snapped some pictures that I thought I should share. I mean it’s sort of mean to keep these to myself. 🙂


This is her annoyed face. Kitty’s tail touched her nose so I got the “face”




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